Struggle with getting dinner on the table? Grab our 5 easy family meal recipes!


Sports Nutrition & Intuitive Eating Resources

Since I receive so many questions about where to start for intuitive eating, the best books and resources out there, I’ve created a page for you with all of them in one place. I hope you find this helpful!

The Runner’s Guide to Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating Resources and Books

intuitive eating book and workbook on wooden table

Intuitive Eating (updated 4th edition) <- You MUST start here. Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch are pioneers in our day and age.

The Intuitive Eating Workbook

Health at Every Size

Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat

Just Eat It

The F*ck It Diet: Eating Should Be Easy


Body Image Books

body kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield

Body Kindness

The Eating Instinct

Body Respect 

Body Positive Power

The Gifts of Imperfection

The Body Project

The Body Image Workbook <- Great for hands on activities


Eating Disorder Books

Life Without ED by Jenni Schaefer

Life Without ED <– Usually the first book I recommend to my clients with previous eating disorders, or disordered eating.

Jenni Shaefer’s second book, Goodbye ED, Hello Me, is also good.

Eating in the Light of the Moon

Sick Enough <– This is a new hot book written by a non-diet physician, Jennifer Gaudiani. It’s great for practitioners and very scientific. 

Big Girl

No Period Now What <– This details hypothalamic amenorrhea, the causes, consequences, and steps to take to get your period back naturally


Blog Posts

7 Reasons Diets Don’t Work

Common Questions about Intuitive Eating

5 Ways to Incorporate Intuitive Eating Into Your Day

Intuitive Eating is Supposed to Be Messy

How to Balance Intuitive Eating and Exercise

What is Normal Eating?

What is Food Flexibility

Why “Clean Eating” is Dangerous

Coping with Diet Talk 



Registered Dietitians for Body Confidence 

The Health at Every Size Community

The Association for Size Diversity and Health

Intuitive Eating Community 



Why Dieting Doesn’t Work (Ted Talk)

Poodle Science <– Great for body image, and HAES


Sports Nutrition Resources

runner bending down to tie her shoe

Nail Your Nutrition Self-Paced Endurance Fueling Course

Sports Nutrition Myths

Nutrition for Teenage Athletes

Food Guide for Marathoners

Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook

Sports Nutrition Handbook

Nutrition Periodization for Athletes

Run Fast, Eat Slow – great whole food cookbook

Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow