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10 Fun and Creative Ways to Eat Watermelon

You’ll be surprised at the fun and creative ways you can enjoy watermelon. Check out these fun watermelon recipes for any time of year!

I love watermelon and I’ve been pretty obsessed with it lately. There’s no denying that this summer melon is refreshing and chock full of nutrients. 

While I love eating it out of my hand, I decided to look for some inspiration about how else it can be enjoyed. Speaking of, did you know there’s such thing as a watermelon cutter?

No more needing to be intimidated cutting into a large watermelon fearing the loss of a finger. 

Watermelon is one of my most summer fruits, so I wanted to see how many different ways I could include it into meals and snacks.

It can be part of an easy summer lunch for kids!

How Nutritious is Watermelon?

Firstly, let’s talk about some watermelon nutrition facts. 

Watermelon is very low in calories, but high in water. As in, 92% water, so can be a great summer hydration food. 

Watermelon is also high in fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium and lycopene.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps prevent damage to our cells from free radicals. Lycopene is a great nutrient for reducing the risk for prostate cancer, so get your men in on this too! Yay, nutrition!

Watermelon Slices with Seeds

Fun Ways to Include Watermelon In Your Meals and Snacks

Watermelon Popsicles

You can make watermelon popsicles! Combine them with some other fruit if you like blends. These no added sugar watermelon strawberry ice lollies are from

These watermelon popsicles look SUPER refreshing.

watermelon popsicles on ice in a black bowl

Or, try some strawberry watermelon popsicles from The Domestic Dietitian.

Watermelon Granita

If we’re being honest, I wasn’t sure what a granita was before seeing this recipe.  

For all of you who may not know, it’s kind of like a mix of a sorbet and snow cone. This italian style dessert watermelon granita recipe comes from The Pioneer Woman.

Watermelon Gazpacho

This delicious watermelon tomato gazpacho screams refreshing from Abbey’s Kitchen.  It’s only recently that I’ve come to realize how amazing cold soup is, especially in the HOT summer months.

To that I say, better late than never, my friends.

watermelon gazpacho in a white bowl

Grilled Watermelon

Have you ever grilled watermelon? It brings out a one-of-a-kind flavor profile, like that caramelization stuff.

I think grilled watermelon spears would be great for a cookout, alongside my mango quinoa salad

Watermelon Skewers

Another fun summer way to enjoy this summer fruit is with watermelon skewers. This watermelon, mint and feta skewer recipe from Nutritioulicious is the perfect appetizer for dining a la fresco!

I love the idea of varied fruit skewers with watermelon thrown in there. 

watermelon, cheese and herbs on wooden skewers on white plate with balsamic drizzle

Watermelon Cocktail

Watermelon on its own is refreshing, but how about in ice form?

This sparkling watermelon lime slushie from Marisa Moore looks simple and delicious.

Or, keep it simple with a watermelon pregnancy mocktail or icy.

icey watermelon cocktail in clear glasses with green straw and lime in background

You could even add watermelon to my favorite mint strawberry fizz cocktail

Watermelon Salsa

These shrimp tacos with watermelon pineapple salsa are so refreshing and hydrating!

A similar fish taco recipe with watermelon salsa comes from Jeanne Reilly and I’m totally in love with the colors.

peach and watermelon salsa in white serving bowl

Or how about these grilled tuna tacos from The Mexitalian? Tuna anything – count me in. I like the idea of a watermelon mango salsa on top. 

watermelon salsa taco filling served in tortillas on white plate

In Your Salads

You can make this fruit the star in your salads, like in this summer panzanella salad from Liz’s Healthy Table.  I happen to think that the watermelon radish recipe would taste really well. 

Watermelon radish sounds intriguing with a bitter and sweet combination. 

watermelon panzanella salad with croutons and tomatoes in white serving bowl

I’m also loving the idea of a strawberry watermelon caprese salad, and the simple idea of a fruity salad with blueberry vinaigrette. This would be perfect for the 4th of July – America!!

watermelon, blueberries, cheese on salad in clear serving bowl

Watermelon Cake

Miss Abbey from Abbey’s Kitchen is killin’ it in the creativity department with this vegan watermelon cake.

It almost looks too pretty to eat! Seriously, can you imagine anything better for the 4th?

watermelon cake topped with fresh fruit on cake stand

Watermelon Pizza

What about throwing any toppings you imagine over watermelon, as in watermelon pizza?

This one just gets me all sorts of giddy. I think decorating pizza with toppings would be the BEST part. Fruit, yogurt, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate…endless possibilities!

I think next up on my list is turning my fruit pizza into a watermelon pizza. 

watermelon fruit pizza with whipped cream and topped with fresh fruit

As you can see, there are SO many creative ways to eat watermelon, similar to the variety of ways to eat sweetpotatoes!! I don’t think I can pick JUST one.

Hopefully this post gives you some inspiration for including this summer fruit in new ways. 

What’s your favorite summer food and how do you like it?

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  1. Wow these all look so refreshing and delicious. That watermelon mojito is calling my name this weekend.

  2. Yayy for watermelon! My best friend has been telling me about all the watermelon things he’s been making lately and I really need to go to the grocery store to get some so I can partake as well! So glad it’s finally summer-ish weather!

    I want that pizza and that cake! 😛

  3. That watermelon cake is so unique; I love it. 🙂 Watermelon is extremely juicy; that’s why it’s one of my favorite summer fruits.

  4. Great round up! I need more watermelon in my life stat! My grandma used to eat it with salt, does that count as a recipe?

  5. I wanted to share this and tag you, but your social handles aren’t listed anywhere and your twitter says shareaholic 🙁

    1. Thank you for letting me know! I added back in the social handles, I don’t know how they disappeared 🙁