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Cruise Reps Workout: 200s and 300s

Hi hi!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I got my longer run in Saturday morning, after eating this delicious pre-run snack that I shared on Instagram. It’s simple – toast + greek yogurt (for that extra protein punch) + peanut butter + your favorite jam.

hand holding piece of bread topped with yogurt, peanut butter and jelly

Then, I spent most of the day at a Health and Fitness Conference. On Sunday, we went to see “Patriot’s Day” (loved it – highly recommend!) which was based on the Boston Marathon bombing, and then we got lunch and dessert. We went to Kilwin’s for dessert, and after trying the Marshmallow S’mores and Peanut Butter Pie, I knew I had to have both.

waffle cone with two scoops of ice cream in front of Kilwins window

I’m still working on some speedwork in prep for the Austin Half Marathon next month.  So last Tuesday, Ed met me at the track for some speed work. Sidenote: It was a beautiful day. 65 and sunny. I felt so lucky to be able to wear a tank top in January here in Charlotte!

girl in orange tank top and purple hat smiling before doing a workout on the track

I started with a mile and a half warm up, taking it light. Then, Ed gave me my workout which was about 3 miles of work, including recovery time.

The workout is as follows:

Cruise Reps Speed Workout, 200's Speed Workout Pinterest Graphic


4  200’s (Half a lap around the track)

So, these were 200 meters hard with a 200 meter recovery. Personally, I was aiming for the 40-45 second mark per 200. I took the recovery rather easy so I could lead into each 200 hard.

4  300’s (3/4 around the track)

These were much more demanding and despite only being 100 meters longer than the 200’s, really challenge you. I was breathing louder and heavier throughout these. The 300 is followed by a 100 meter recovery, which again, I took very slow.

4  200’s (Half a lap around the track)

I actually felt faster going back down to the 200’s after having done three 300’s. Try to end strong!

I really enjoyed this workout because it went by quickly and it wasn’t three straight miles of hard work. I like the hard/easy/hard/easy interval style, that works well for keeping me fresh and interested.

I was at about 4.5 miles after the workout, so added another 2.5 for a cool down which put me at 7 for the day. I actually like speed work because it adds a whole new dynamic to just running seven miles.

And, it always helps to get puppy love after a sweaty workout!

girl in orange tank top holding a white golden doodle


What’s your favorite (speed) workout?

High from the weekend?


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  1. This looks like a great workout! I really haven’t done much work on a track…I find it so intimidating! I am definitely jealous of your 65 degree weather!

    1. I like it because it’s easy for me to know my paces and distances, without having to do it on a treadmill.

  2. Can I just come spend a Saturday with you only one just like this past week! Wow, toast + run+conference + movie and mouth watering desserts! Sounds amazing!!! My husband and I got to watch Patriot Day the other night. I was very moved to say the least.
    I’m writing down this speed work session, sounds like fun to add variety.
    Sarah, will you be doing the Rock n Roll Raleigh?

  3. I need this workout in my life. I’m preparing for a half in a couple months and have done 0 speed work yet.

  4. Pinning this one to do soon! Thanks for the (always much-needed) push to do some speedwork 🙂

  5. I’d like to see Patriots Day but my husband prefers not to. I guess I’ll wait until I can watch it at home (then he’ll probably watch it with me! LOL). Would you believe I’ve never done any work on an official track? My neighborhood park does have a somewhat circular paved path that I use for intervals occasionally. That ice cream looks so good! I can’t remember the last time I had a waffle cone. YUMMY. Thanks for linking, Sarah! We’ve missed you!

    1. It was really good, I recommend it! I can’t believe you’ve never been to an official track! But I guess each runner has preferences, and if you have a path that works in the same way, that’s good too 🙂 I have missed linking up! Without marathon training, I’ve had less running posts!

  6. This workout looks awesome! I love doing track workouts like this where the distances are short because you can really give it all you’ve got each rep. And oh my goodness that gorgeous toast! I’ve gotta try adding yogurts to my PB&Js. That ice cream looks fantastic too. There’s nothing like getting a good ‘ole cone. I pinned this workout and can’t wait to try it 🙂 .


  7. Love the look of that toaast. I might even add a slice of banana to it! One quesiton: I haven’t been able to find a Greek yogurt that is low in sugar — any suggestions?

    1. Adding a banana is a great idea! For the lowest in sugar, I’d recommend plain Greek yogurt and adding your own fruit, maybe some cinnamon and peanut butter! But if you like flavors, the Oikos triple zero (in black packaging) has less sugar and good flavors!

  8. I LOVE shorter speedwork reps. 800s are my least favorite or mile repeats. And that Greek yogurt combo on your toast looks absolutely creamy and delicious.

  9. Never would have thought of the greek yogurt and PNB combo interesting! I really like that track workout (wow did I just say that?)

  10. You’re killing me with the tank top weather! Guess I need to come visit you 😀

  11. Sounds like a great workout! I always loved that speed workouts helped break up the (sometimes) monotony of just running 7 or so miles….which I love, don’t get me wrong. But it’s nice to mix things up! I haven’t done serious speed workouts since high school but I do miss them sometimes. And I’m with you on tanktop weather in January here in NC- I LOVE it!

  12. That sounds like such a fun workout! I love track repeats but have been pushing myself to do more tempo workouts lately as they tend to be my weakness. I ran Austin when we lived in Houston for a few years and it’was a really fun race!

    1. Tempo work outs are more intimidating to me but I definitely need to work on them. I’m excited about Austin – do you have any restaurant recommendations or other “must do’s?”

  13. It is crazy how big Tater has gotten!

    This looks like such a great workout!

  14. This looks like a great workout! I haven’t been to the track in forever. I love workouts that go by quickly!