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Marathon Training Week 1

I’ve gotten some questions about my training plan, so I figured I would share a new series about marathon training. This series will include a week by week recount of my marathon training in preparation for the Detroit Free Press Marathon.

I also thought this would be helpful for myself for tracking my runs and progress. 

Last week was actually my 2nd true week of marathon training but the first one that I truly officially counted. 

Last week I ran about 25 miles, including one longer run (9 miles). Right now, I’m planning on increasing my long run by a mile each weekend.

I do feel like I need to build my base significantly versus in the past where I had a little bit of a stronger base. 

I tried doing the majority of my weekly runs in the morning. I’m not usually a “first thing” morning runner but I know it will make things easier for this training cycle to do it then before taking Camryn to daycare. Also, THIS HEAT. It’s either first thing or early evening, which I generally have no energy that late in the day. 

I am also not worrying about pace right now and am not focused on speed, but rather building up endurance. I am excited for when I feel ready to incorporate speed, but it won’t be anything drastic.

I am not looking to PR on this marathon but instead, just enjoy the process.

It’s a little shorter of a training period so I’m making the best of it. 

During Saturday’s long run, the first few miles were tough! I had done a short shakeout on Friday (2 miles) after an off day (and some great massage work) on Thursday. But I felt dead.

Eventually I warmed up and seemed to feel better with time. I ran an out and back on the trail so stopped and stretched at the 4.5 mile turnaround.

Fueling wise, I felt great. I drank lots of water to make up for all of the sweat, and my legs felt a little better, but by 7 miles I was ready to be done.

I obviously have a long way to go!

The other runs last week were between 3 and 5 miles, nothing too extreme yet. I took Tater on one with me, which really tests my endurance. 

At this early point in the journey, I’m grateful for my off days. I will eventually add in some cross training, and speed work as mentioned above.

Favorite Products for Marathon Training

I haven’t used anything yet except Skratch’s hydration for before/after my long run. I also drank some water during the 9 miles on Saturday, but haven’t needed any fuel yet.

Like I mentioned before, I’m going to try some of the Skratch products during this marathon training go around. 

I plan to update this section as I test things out. 

I mentioned that I had a massage this week and it was so necessary. During a yoga class (yes, I’m incorporating yoga too!), I noticed some left calf cramping.

I had them really work on it at the massage but I still had to continue to work on it at home with the stick. I’m also being more diligent with foam rolling.

I even wore these compression socks for my long run. Ultimately, I need to stay healthy and I’ll do what it takes. 

Delicious Eats

Also thought it would be fun to share some weekly eats during training. This week has no rhyme or reason but perhaps in the future, I’ll try to specify pre/post workout and fuel during (when I get to that distance). 

Lots of fresh veggies for antioxidants!

A chicken curry out at a local restaurant.

I eat a lot of sandwiches for lunch because they’re super easy + a balance of macronutrients. This was a ham/cheese panini with a super delicious beet sauerkraut mixture.

Sweet potato quinoa salad on repeat. Easy for meal planning.

Egg and toast – never gets old. 

Donuts! We are working on trying out all the local places. These was B Doughnut in Leesburg, Virginia. 

Sheetpan tacos

Wafflewich ice cream sandwich – I’ll be eating these alot more on hot summer nights!

What do you remember from marathon training? Any favorite meals?

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  1. Mmmmm…. a wafflewich sounds really good. Also, I’m not really a morning runner either, but it’s so hard to run in the afternoon in the summer, so I often will run as early as I can in the morning when I can.

    1. I can only speak to what’s worked for me but it’s making sure I’m eating enough overall and drinking enough! Not really focusing on carbs/fat/protein persay, just eating enough calories in general for my body.

  2. I’m running my first marathon this Dec so I’m just at the start of my training! Excited to follow along with your training!