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Marathon Training Eats Weeks 5 and 6

I missed last week’s marathon training update – time got away from me so enjoy a week of marathon training eats.  While I don’t follow a specific marathon training diet, I include a variety of foods and make sure I’m eating enough. 

Since I was traveling, I also had to give myself some grace and be flexible with my training, which is kind of the bottom line of this season of life. I’m very very loosely following my training plan, but I honestly feel like it’s had to change so much that I’m not really following a “plan” at all. 

Let’s all pray for me together. 

Anyway, the week of traveling to Chicago was a weird week. I ran 8 miles on Monday, and then Camryn brought home this cold from daycare that sat me out for a few days.

I did a couple mile walk on Thursday and then got 7 miles in when I got to Chicago on Friday. I also did 7 on Saturday and 7 on Sunday. 

I had 13 on the agenda for my long run, but I knew that was pretty implausible given the travel itinerary, so three straight days of 7 miles felt doable and actually felt good on my legs.

One morning, some of the other girls ran 3 with me so that was fun!

Girls running on trail in Chicago

When I came back, I took a cross training day and did some weights, followed by a speed day. For my speed, I did a 20 minute warm up, followed by a pyramid (1 minute hard, 1 minute easy, 2 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy, 3 minutes hard, 3 minutes easy, 4 minutes hard, 4 minutes easy) and then a 20 minute cool down.

I actually enjoy pyramid workouts, so this mini speed workout was fun to me. 

On Thursday, I did a 3 mile stroller run with Camryn. Thursday was supposed to be an “easy” recovery but there is nothing easy about running with a stroller these days.

Pretty sure Camryn has grown so much in the past few months.

Sticking tongue out with daughter in stroller

I worked my long run in on Friday because we were traveling (again!) on Saturday. This fall is full of travel so I have to get used to this. This time it was to a wedding up in Vermont. 

I did the first 7 of my long run solo on the trails, and then Ed and Camryn met me for the last 7 miles and ran alongside. It is nice to be able to structure our runs like that.

He’s training for an ultramarathon right now, so yeah…life is a little crazy in our household 😉

I felt great for that those 14+ miles. That was also my longest run postpartum, so that was encouraging.

Although, still have a ways to go but I like those little moments of achievement where I feel like I’m getting closer to where I want to (need to) be. 

Garmin watch on wrist after doing 14 miles

Marathon Training Fuel

I’ve actually been using several of the easy meal ideas for marathon training but haven’t been diligent about taking photos. Love easy meals!

Here are some other things I’ve been enjoying.

Tzatziki burger with sweet potato fries. This was at a brewery in Vermont. Delicious!

Lots of fresh salads. I have been trying to use up the last of the fresh summer fruit before paving the way for everything fall and apples and pumpkin. 

This was a salad with HB eggs, turkey, strawberries, red pepper, hemp seeds, and a maple dijon dressing. 

A delicious chickpea curry. I used this recipe. 

And paired it with microwave brown rice, asparagus and some frozen veggies. 

A salad while out in Chicago!

Lots of pizza, per usual. Camryn has been enjoying “helping” in the kitchen (so thankful for this kitchen stand for her – she loves it!).

I let her decorate pizza’s (we make naan pizzas all the time, and I have a pizza recipe coming this week for you!).

This was an eggplant dip that was out of this world delicious. 

A charcuterie board I made for the gals in Chicago. 


Deep dish pizza (legit) from Chicago. 

I’m hoping to have a good week of running this week, and we’ll actually be home this weekend which will be nice. 

I’m trying to honor my hunger as best as possible. I think my body is trying to catch up with this change of schedule, and I’ve also been feeling a strong increase in thirst lately.

Being mindful is important to me, so while I’m not doubting any of my hunger or thirst, I’m trying to understand if there have been any significant changes. I’m working on eating enough protein throughout the day, too. 

How do you handle running/training plans when traveling?

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  1. Thanks for honestly sharing about the ups and downs of training, as well as the need to be flexible. I am trying to train for a race myself, and have been stressing about the schedule. Reading about your own struggles and remembering that I can break up longer runs into several days that add up to that longer run was encouraging. Keep up the good work!

    1. I realized that stressing about not following my plan was doing me no good! So whatever I can accomplish, I do. Adapting and being flexible is actually very freeing. Good luck with your training and thanks for reading!