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Thoughts About Not Running Boston 2018

Gooood morning! By now with the baby news, you may have wondered, guessed or even figured out I won’t be running the Boston Marathon next April.

So, today, I’m discussing some thoughts about not running Boston 2018.

Boston 2018

Obviously, running the Boston marathon is a milestone and goal for nearly all of us who take running seriously. The Boston Marathon is a race on its own. While I’ve watched Ed run it once and seen the excitement firsthand, I have not yet had the opportunity to run it myself and experience the ups, downs and all its glory.

I did qualify for Boston for my age group next spring (the limit was 3:35 and I ran 3:31). I would have been starting my training right about now.

Thoughts about not running Boston 2018

But, in any case, I won’t be running Boston 2018. Obviously, I’m a little bummed about it. Qualifying for it was one of my “reach” goals when training for the Ogden Marathon.

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I put it alot of speed work, ate right, turned down several events and nights out for extra sleep and rest. That’s what most of us do when we’re dedicated towards a goal, whether it’s training related or not. We make sacrifices that we don’t always see as sacrifices because we’re focused on the prize – the ultimate goal. It’s almost like tunnel vision – you know what you want and what it takes to get there.

I love setting and achieving goals. That process makes you feel so capable, proficient and ready. But, like anything in life, you can’t always control timing.

Thought Process

I’m lucky that I’m not running Boston because I’m injured, I’m burned out, or I don’t have the means/scheduling flexibility to get there. I’m not running it because I’m having a BABY due that month.

They say in life, timing is everything. An opportunity falls into your lap because you were in the right place at the right time. Or, you met the right person at the right time. I hear this often and really believe in it. And, I think God planned for our family to grow at this time.

We’ve had the idea of growing our family for the past year. We didn’t want to start trying until after the marathon. We knew if I did qualify, things would be up in the air and we would “figure it out.”

I am fully aware that I could still train throughout pregnancy. Whether I could run the race or not would be questionable (my due date is April 1st and the race is April 16). I’ve heard of women running pregnant and giving birth on the marathon course. That just doesn’t sound a) safe or b) pleasant to me.

I love the sport of running, but there’s no need to force anything. To me, training throughout pregnancy would taint some of the pureness of running, and that pureness is something I want to keep forever.  I love running but I didn’t want to associate pregnancy with marathon training.

I’m embracing all the other things that come with being pregnant.

Thoughts about not running Boston 2018

This experience has helped teach the process of flexibility (a lesson I am constantly learning). Things don’t always happen on the timeline you plan for, but that doesn’t mean they won’t ever happen. I’ve always been the impulsive person that when I get something in my mind, I want it now. I’ve gotten much better about patience over the past few years, and really understanding that there are certain things I can’t determine. Through this process, I now have a greater appreciation of what it felt like to run that strong, hard marathon, and the faith that I could do it again.

Thoughts about not running Boston 2018

So, what now?

Running is actually feeling really good right now. I’m thinking about maybe getting a belly band in the future as I continue to grow, but I’m thankful I’m even able to run during pregnancy. I know for some women, it’s tough and just not possible. Running is a big part of my life, and while my body is changing, I’m not a different person. I’d love to think my running will influence little baby running in the future.

Thoughts about not running Boston 2018

I hope I qualify for Boston again. Let me rephrase – I will qualify again. I am itching to run my 3rd marathon. I don’t know when that will be. My life is about to change on a level I can’t even fathom at this point, and I will cherish it all. And when it’s safe and feasible for me, I’d love to get back to a training schedule that works with my new lifestyle. I’m sure I’ll become proficient with stroller running, and maybe join some mom running groups (hi, new friends)! I don’t know what it will look like next spring yet, but I’m coming at it with flexibility and an open mind.

But in the meantime, I’m embracing this gray space. This extra rest and relaxation. Building up my mental and physical strength for the future. Continuing to appreciate what running has brought to me and what it will bring in the future.

Have you ever achieved something you were really proud of but not been able to follow through with it?

If you’ve had a baby, what was the transition to running again?

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  1. I think your outlook is very positive and indicates a totally healthy relationship with running. As a runner and new mom (my daughter is now 10 months) I cannot imagine having the stress of training for a marathon so soon after birth. Definitely let yourself heal! It gives you time to recover and focus on the baby. Eventually, your desire to run again will return. Like me, I bet your love of running will still be there but it’s totally less of a priority. I’ve missed many opportunities to run because I couldn’t pull myself away from my baby. πŸ™‚ Oh, and running strollers are pretty awesome!!

    1. Congrats on your baby girl – I can’t wait to be on the journey. I know running will take a back seat and be there when I’m “ready.” Thank you for sharing your experience Mary!

  2. That’s pretty much the best reason ever to not run Boston. Of course, it’s hard to not run it after you’ve worked so hard to qualify, but that baby is so worth it! Congrats, girl!

  3. Having a baby trumps a marathon. Your pregnancy should be full of experiencing all the joys the growing little nugget inside you will bring. I can’t wait to read about it πŸ™‚

  4. I was thinking of how you would feel about Boston, first time I qualified, during training, found out I was pregnant. Having had fertility issues I told the doc β€œit’s impossible and I am supposed to run Boston”

    I went on to run Boston 10 times after that, I have 3 kids and had the best pregnancies. Relish this wonderful time. You will be back running all too soon and will be even stronger, and of course you will re-qualify! Congrats

    1. You are an inspiration, Dawn – 10 times?! I can’t wait to get back to the group running and training. Thanks for reading πŸ™‚

  5. Boston will always be there Sarah, and so will you. You are one determined girl and if you set your heart out to do it, you will…just not next year, as something far greater will be happening πŸ™‚
    You are looking good, with your teeny tiny little bump πŸ™‚ Enjoy x

  6. I have no advice for you with running and being pregnant at the same time as I didn’t pick up running until later in life. BUT you said it it’s all God’s timing and you’ll figure out what to do and when. What a great accomplishment qualifying for the Boston I can’t imagine somewhere in the future you won’t get to run this amazing race! For now, focus on your growing family. Congratulations!

  7. I LOVE this attitude Sarah; last night my dad was talking about God’s plan is always good, and we don’t have to worry about it; we just trust His plan, and it does work out. It’s such a wondrous exciting thing that you’re having a baby, and I know it was probably tough to give up the Boston dream for this year, but I can 100% see you qualifying again for Boston; God gave you a gift for consistency and speed and good training, and I think it’s cool how you’re wisely stepping back and still running for fun but putting this on the backburner for now.

  8. I imagine it is a let down to qualify and not run, but I think you’re making the right choice for you and your growing family, AND Boston isn’t going anywhere!! I have no doubts you will qualify again and it will feel like an even bigger accomplishment.

  9. And when you are back in on your regular paths, back on a training regimen and counting the days till your next race, you’ll look back at this time and feel like it was only a mere moment you had to take off from running. You’ll be back before you know it girl. Only with an extra cheerleader in the crowd πŸ™‚

  10. Looking at that qualifying time, I have a sneaky suspicion you will qualify again and run the Boston one day. But I love your outlook – this moment is so very precious and you are about to embark on a completely new and very exciting journey that is so, so, so special – both the ups and the downs! Best of luck! PS: My daughter was also an April Baby πŸ™‚

  11. Congratulations! This is one of many ways you will adjust your plans for your little one, and they all will be so worth it! Staying active and running as long as you are comfortable will be a great way to get in shape for labor + delivery. πŸ˜‰

    1. You are right about the one of many ways life will change and need to be adjusted. I hope it makes labor and delivery easier – thanks Coco!

  12. Congrats to you!! How exciting! I’m sure that it is a little bit of a bummer to qualify for Boston but not be able to actually run the race. Hopefully, you’ll be able to qualify again and run in the future. Best of luck to you in this new adventure!

  13. Congratulations, Mama! That is wonderful news. There will always be another Boston to train for when the timing is right. I agree with your decision not to mix the being pregnant with marathon training. This way you get to run simply when you want and to be able to cherish both experiences separately. Thanks for linking!

  14. Awh…congrats!!!! What an exciting time! You have a solid point, when you mention pregnancy and 26.2 training being tainted (or was it the other way around?). That’s probably something a lot of women runners have thought about, but were afraid to even acknowledge that “feeling” was there. Boston is such a big deal (and so is a pregnancy!), that each would benefit by happening at separate times (at least in my mind’s eye LOL). None the less, Boston will always be there πŸ˜‰

    1. I love the way you put it – they are both such big deals that I feel like I could relish them both if they were separate. Thanks for your support, Kimberly πŸ™‚