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25 Week Pregnancy Update

At 25 weeks pregnant, here’s what I’ve been craving, doing, how I’ve been exercising and more.

Although, this week actually marks week 26, the start of the 3rd trimester. How crazy is that?! I haven’t had a chance to write the 25 week post update, so here we go.

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I’m 25 weeks pregnant, which is crazy!

Before I was pregnant, I feared that the weeks would go by so slowly. It’s like when you’re anticipating something so significant at the finish line, surely time will go by slowly.

But, on the contrary, time is flying.

I actually feel like there’s not enough time to get everything done.

We still have a bunch of classes to take (infant CPR, breastfeeding, finances) and I have a bunch of books I want to read, but I know the due date will be here before we know it.

And, I also realize that there’s only so much preparation you can do. Alot of this will be learning on-the-go type of things I presume.

Spoiler alert, preparing for homebirth was a bit different than this hospital preparation.

Here i am at 19 weeks pregnant, and I’ve definitely gained weight since then.

19 weeks pregnant

Baby Size at 25 Weeks

As of this week, she’s the size of an eggplant at 25 weeks! Last week, she was as big as the head of a cauliflower.

Estimates say she’s about 2 pounds and 9.2 inches this week.

baby is the size of an eggplant at 25 weeks

Showing at 25 Weeks?

I’ve heard a few “Oh, you’re starting to show” comments, which don’t bother me too much but I can see how they could be triggering to some. 

These affirmations for body image during pregnancy always help me when I find unwanted thoughts popping up about gaining weight.

I’m not at the stage of feeling super uncomfortable yet, but I still think baby has a huge growth spurt to go through.

I have a feeling that one morning I’ll wake up and my belly will be inches bigger. I can definitely tell a difference now at the end of the day versus in the morning on an empty stomach.

Physical Pregnancy Symptoms and Updates

At our last check-up, baby’s heart rate was 145, which is good.

I do have placenta previa, which is where the placenta is a little closer to the cervix than is “normal”.

They said that the majority of the time, the placenta moves on its own as time progresses, so they will do another ultrasound at 28 weeks to re-check its position.

girl wearing hat and sunglasses walking a dog


I’m still loving the usuals – eggs, toast, hummus, chips, bagels, peanut butter, fruit, pizza, sweets – mostly carbs.

I did have some more recent nausea in the past few weeks without any rhyme or reason. It just made less foods sound appealing, but nothing too bad as it appears to have mostly passed.

I haven’t really kept track of my eating in any way, but I’m curious to actually track for a day – it doesn’t seem like I’m eating any more than I normally eat would (pre-pregnancy) but then again, that was months ago, so who is really to say?

white bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, peanut butter and chopped apples

I make it a big focus to get a healthy pregnancy friendly breakfast in to fuel me for the day.

I also realized I wasn’t doing a great job with hydration, so I make sure to have a pregnancy electrolyte drink daily!

homemade pregnancy electrolyte drink in mason jar

25 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Here are some of the pregnancy symptoms I’ve been having at 25 weeks pregnant.

  • Heartburn – Aside from the random nausea listed above, I’ve also been having more heartburn this trimester. I’m really working on tuning in to not eating as much at one time so I don’t feel myself burping it up after. I have never been a person to experience heartburn symptoms so this is new. I think it’s mostly when I’m eating higher-fat meals (which would align with heartburn symptoms), or just eating too much. As the baby takes up more space, it seems that there is less of my stomach available for digestion.
  • Hungry and full at the same time – This is definitely one of those pregnancy learning lessons. I might still feel hungry (like a 4 on the intuitive eating hunger scale) but at the same time, knowing that I’m filling up physically more than my brain realizes. I guess it’s hard to explain. Power to the many smaller meals throughout the day!
  • Congestion – I have also been experiencing something that I don’t know how to describe other than “pregnancy congestion.” According to some sources (and you guys!), it’s a real thing. I constantly feel stuffed up, in the mornings especially, and just overall congested. I don’t feel sick though, which sounds weird. But it hasn’t gone away or gotten any better, so pregnancy, I’m just blaming this one on you.
  • Lots of baby kicks – Baby girl is kicking so much now. I felt like I was late to the game in feeling the kicks (for most women, they start around 18 weeks). They started around 20 weeks for me, when we were in South Africa. But now, I’m completely aware of them and Ed has even been able to feel them. She’s more active at night when I’m just sitting or laying down, which makes it fun to feel and talk to her at the same time.
plate with watermelon, peach, pepper chips and a burger

Overall, I feel pretty great. I feel like my energy is still really good right now, so I’m trying to focus on doing some meal prep before baby.

I’ve heard fatigue can set in again in the third trimester, so I’m taking advantage of what I’ve got until I get to that point of exhaustion.

The only other feels are a combination of excitement and a little anxiety – anxiety just about what we actually need.

girl and white golden doodle dog

We’ve started our registry (my sister and mom are throwing a shower up in Rhode Island for me in early February), but it’s an overwhelming process for sure.

There are so many things to think about, but do we really need them all? Each person will have a different opinion on what we do/do not need, but I’ve heard a resounding number of comments about “you don’t need as much as you think you do.”

After reading the Magic of Tidying Up, I’m all about not having excess things – just the practical ones we need and will use.


Exercise, workouts and running are all still going well.

I really can’t get through a run without having to pee though. Even on the short ones.

It reminds me of the Ogden Marathon, where I peed twice in the first 10 miles, though that was due to mostly nerves and chugging water on the bus ride up the mountain.

selfie of girl with blue shirt

But, I’ve been enjoying running my 15-20 miles/week up to this point. I continue to do lots of walking.

I’m also doing 1-2 days of light strength training, mostly with 5 lb weights. I love the Peloton app for at home body weight workouts!

Overall, I’m still loving the magic of pregnancy.

In the upcoming weeks, I’ll probably start to think more about our birth plan.

Some people just know everything they want/don’t want, but I’m not one of those people. I still have a lot to learn and I’ll have to consider all the options.

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  1. How cute is your little bump?!?!

    As for unwanted comments, I just can’t understand why people seem to lose their filter when they see a pregnant women. Like all of a sudden it’s okay to make comments/touch their bellies/give advice etc? So weird!

    1. Lol, it’s so true. I think people who haven’t had children just are at a loss of what to say!

  2. Congrats!! So excited for you and this journey. I highly recommend the Dock-a-tot. I’m a mom of girls in Davidson! My youngest is 8 mths! You’re welcome to come over and check out all things girl lol!!! Good luck!!!

  3. You look great! Loving how positive you are–I’m sure a good attitude is great for the baby!

    I treat unwanted comments the way I treat unwanted thoughts. Acknowledge that they happened and then move along. Or at least that’s what I do most of the time 🙂

  4. I think that’s so cool you’re still able to run a bit and do some walking; I’m amazed at how fast the time seems to have gone. I always wonder if I ever get married and have babies, if the time will go quickly or slowly.

    I’m so thankful to see the development of little girl, and that you are feeling well for the most part like Cora said; I really enjoy seeing these pregnancy updates and seeing how you’re handling the different parts. It’s such a foreign area to me but really wonderful to be a part of with you sharing these Sarah!

    1. I appreciate your thoughtful comment, Emily! These used to be so foreign to me, too 🙂 What I’ve learned is that every part of life goes by so quickly as I get older!

  5. You look beautiful! Glad you are feeling well and hope the placenta moves on its own before the next ultrasound. It is amazing to me some of the stuff people will say to you when you are pregnant. I had an acquaintance tell me when I was about 16 weeks pregnant that I didn’t really look pregnant as much as I looked like I was getting fat. I always try to assume that they mean well, whether or not that is actually true. I find it makes it a little easier to move on and let it go.

    1. I think they mean well, they just don’t know what to say or how to acknowledge us. It doesn’t really bother me, it’s just an interesting thing!

  6. Overwhelming must be an understatement. I can’t fully imagine all the things you would need to think about/get/plan for/make etc. etc. And of course like anything else, there won’t ever seem to be enough time to do it all. But… that’s the magic of having others around to help and support you. You don’t have to worry about it all on your own. It’s so lovely to hear you are still, for the most part, feeling good. May the health and happiness continue <3

    1. Having others is so helpful – especially people who have been through it before. Thank you love!

  7. Yay happy 3rd trimester!

    Looking forward to your post on body image/comments people tend to make that they shouldn’t; I imagine its people unfamiliar with pregnancies who are likely the ones guilty of saying offensive things without realizing.

    1. I don’t think people mean harm by them at all – it’s such a fascinating process that sometimes people don’t always think before they talk 🙂

  8. I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling great. I hope the placenta repositions itself before the 28 week appointment. For unwanted comments, I think it’s important to remind yourself that people only see a small fraction of life (both online and some people in person) so they don’t know the whole story.

    1. Thanks Maureen – me too! That’s a great way to look at it, thank you for sharing that perspective 🙂