35 Week Pregnant Symptoms
- February 26, 2018
- Last Updated: May 9, 2024
- Pregnancy & Postpartum
Today I’m sharing my 35 week pregnant symptoms and
We also got out for some donuts and coffee on Sunday. We went to Reigning Donuts, which I’ve had on my list to try since it opened It’s cute since it’s a walk up window, but nowhere to sit and eat.

Here we are heading into the 35th week of pregnancy! If you’re looking for more updates, you can see 20 weeks, 25 weeks and 30 weeks here!
I have this gut feeling that I’ll deliver early and not make it to 40 weeks. There’s some intuition thrown in there, but I’m trying my best to get all the knots tied just in case that does happen.
I’ll be okay waiting until the due date though (April 1st), if baby can wait.

Now that I’m 35 weeks pregnant, we’ve hired our doula, and I’m so happy about her! I felt like we instantly connected in our first meeting, and I felt very comfortable around her.
We have our pre-natal meeting with her this week to start discussing birth, our birth plan, and how we’ll handle things. I am starting to feel a little more comfortable about birth after our birthing class and all of the reading I’m doing, but it’s still a gray cloud that freaks me out.
It just seems like there’s so much unknown and so much is out of your control that no matter what you plan, you may have to have certain interventions that you don’t plan for.
Baby Size at 35 Weeks Pregnant
Baby is just surpassing the size of a pineapple and this week will be the size of a honeydew melon!
It’s so crazy to think that there’s something the size and weight of a pineapple/melon in my belly, and how baby will look at 38 weeks pregnant.
Her fingernails are now completely grown, her kidneys are fully developed, and most of the basic physical development is complete.
The next few weeks, she’ll just be laying down more weight and growing!
She is measuring on the smaller side, so I’m hoping her growth spurt will kick in.

Pregnancy Cravings and Aversions
I continue to LOVE citrus fruits and cara cara oranges. Also, pizza, hummus and crackers. I’ve taken a little break from my typical oatmeal breakfasts in lieu of wanting more waffles, pancakes, toast and bagels.
I’m still trying to nourish myself with these pregnancy breakfast ideas for nutritoin!
Just mainly carbs, lol. Otherwise, food is still just about the same as before pregnancy and has remained throughout. No real strong aversions, except to the smell of some alcohols and liquors.
Guess that’s probably a good aversion to have during pregnancy.

I am really lacking any desire to cook or meal prep, so picking up alot of takeout lately. I do want to start doing some freezer meal prep though, so look for a spark of inspiration in the coming weeks.
35 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
The heartburn and reflux I had between 25 and 30 weeks has pretty much gone away – I have a feeling it might come back though, but right now we’re good!
I think I am starting to realize that I’m getting fuller quicker, as the baby and my uterus continue to grow.
I actually want to make a point to pay more attention to this because it’s an awareness practice that I talk to clients about – being aware of fullness.
Of course, it’s okay to eat past fullness sometimes and it’s totally normal.
But, no one wants to feel like a 10 on the hunger scale constantly. Extreme fullness can be quite uncomfortable when pregnant.
The back pain has started to feel a little better. I am continuing to see a chiropractor who specializes in pre-natal. I think it’s helping and I like the overall focus on wellness and the body that chiropractors’ promote.
I have been having some pain in the upper right portion of my stomach. It’s not like internal pain, but feels more like a bruise. From the pregnancy groups I’m in, I think this is pretty common.
It seems to be her kicking spot, and where she really likes to put her feet. I’ve been using this belly cream, which doesn’t necessarily help with the pain, but helps my skin and stomach feel smooth.
How I’m Feeling
Sleeping has been okay, but I’m getting up to pee more than ever, like 3 or 4 times a night. It’s funny because I’m so tired and I can’t think of staying awake at those times, I fall right back to sleep.
But, when the baby is here, I’m going to have to fight through it and be awake. Sleep is weird – you always want more of it when you can’t have it, or you think about it when you’re not sleeping.
There’s gotta be some switch that goes off in mom mode as our bodies adjust to some sleep deprivation, right? I mean, I’m scared of the deprivation part, but people survive. So, I hope my body will be ready for it when it happens.
I’ve also found that in the afternoons, I generally just lack energy but eating helps.

I’m starting to finally slow down. Ed came home from work the other day and I was just laying on the couch and he said, “This is the first time I’ve actually seen you sitting, not doing anything.” Needless to say, there will probably be a lot more of that going on from here on forward.
I really have to be conscious that my to do lists are reasonable, because I’m getting about half the work done that I’m planning for or used to get done. But it’s fine, that’s where I am right now so I’m practicing grace.
In terms of preparation, I think we’re doing well. We have all the major things put together, and the nursery is coming along. We still have a bookshelf to put together and some finishing touches for the closet, as well as hanging things in the room.
We’ve installed my car seat, but I have to get it checked. And my goal this week is to have the hospital bag packed. I’ll also probably start washing some of her newborn outfits and stuff.

Here are some of the cutest little outfits we got at our shower.

I’m doing something most days of the week, but there are some days where I just need extra rest, and the thought of walking even seems exhausting. I’m managing to run maybe 2-3 times a week, but no more than two miles at a time.
I wrote about running in the third trimester here. So, it’s pretty minimal now, but it does feel good to be out and about at an easy pace. I’ve had some runs that have felt really good, and others that were more painful. As is with everything in pregnancy, I’m practicing listening to my body.
I am really enjoying the stepper and elliptical at the gym for the low impact, and because I watch Gracie and Frankie on Netflix. I prefer to be exercising inside in the gym for the convenience of the bathrooms and air conditioning, as the weather is warming up here in Charlotte. We will see what the upcoming weeks bring!
I don’t have too much to say about exercise this time around – it’s there and I enjoy what I can from it!
Baby Names
We have 3-4 that we really like. Truthfully, we haven’t narrowed it down to 1, and I don’t think we will.
This drives people crazy when they ask about what we’re naming her, and we’re like we don’t know. It’s the truth! But, we are going to keep it quiet until she’s born anyway, we haven’t revealed the names we like. There’s something intimate about keeping it a surprise.
Plus, I feel like when I first see her, I’ll know if she’s A, B or C. At least I hope so, lol.
Overall, I’m still enjoying pregnancy and being 35 weeks pregnant, and I’ve very much enjoyed this special time. I’m so excited for her to finally be here. I’ve been talking to lots of friends and what I really do and don’t need, so I’m starting to feel more relaxed about that. Thanks for stopping by the blog today!
Did you have a feeling you would deliver early/late? Were you right?
Any other pregnancy type posts you guys want to see?
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Support Bucket List TummyEither that is a super flattering dress, or you do NOT look 35 weeks pregnant!
Also, I drooled over those doughnuts!
Yay for finding a doula you love!! That’s awesome.
I think you’re doing the right thing by keeping all of the possible names a secret. You don’t want people spoiling choices!
I seriously love seeing nursery reveals; it’s always soo exciting when a little one is on the way; and baby clothes ALWAYS make me want to have a baby sister. 🙂 And I think most of us, our parents finally named right when we came out; so maybe that’s what will happen when this little gal comes? And I am TOTALLY craving pancakes or a bagel with cream cheese after seeing this!
I don’t know how parents don’t spend all the $$ buying baby clothes -the struggle is going to be real!
This was fun to read! I can’t believe you’re already 35 weeks- I feel like I just read your pregnancy announcement 🙂 Those outfits- so cute!!!
They’re too much!!
You’ll totally know when you meet her what her name is! Your nursery is ADORABLE!
Thanks lady, it’s been fun! Still have some work to do but it’s my favorite room now 🙂
Time has flown, it just seems like yesterday you found out you were pregnant. You are looking so great and you are going to be great! Your little nursery is so cute.
Naming my babies was a big thing. I made sure we narrowed it down to a definite name by the time our babies were born. I didn’t feel looking at a newborn would look like ‘a certain name’ or not. So to avoid confusion and maybe disappointment, a name was finalised before birth.
Doughnuts, waffles and cream or scones and cream was my ultimate pleasure 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and looking forward to some further news on your little one. 🙂
Thank you for following along, Lynne 🙂
Pregnancy has really flown by, I think because I’ve enjoyed it. I think if it had been miserable, time would have crept by slower. I know alot of people finalize the name before birth and have everything ready – who knows, maybe we will decide before then, but sometimes we are just last minute people 🙂
Loved reading this update! The nursery looks amazing (Are those items from WAYFAIR?! 😉 ) as do you and Ed. So glad you’re still feeling good, and its good to hear youre resting more! Keep that up!
The nursery (crib, rug, changing table) is pretty well decorated from Wayfair – we love ordering from them, so easy and affordable!
I’m going to guess our intuition, especially a mothers’ intuition, is pretty trustworthy. But we’ll see!! The sleep deprivation I always hear about mothers going through confuses and amazes me… I also don’t know if I’d be able to do it… but I think motherhood just kicks in and you just do it. Mothers are amazing. As will you be!
It amazes me too – I’ll report back on how it’s possible 🙂
Your baby might have cuter clothes than me…kinda kidding lol! The little outfits you have are just so adorable for a baby girl in the spring and summer.
I’d love to hear your birth story (if you are comfortable sharing that obviously) once she is here as well as how you picked her name.
Me too! She will definitely be way me stylish than me. I think I added the name part at the bottom after you commented, but we will likely decide the day off (we have a few options). But, yes, happy to share after!
The nursery looks so cute! I didn’t have a feeling I would deliver early early on, but at 38 weeks in both pregnancy I felt like they would be here sooner and I had both my babies at 38 half weeks.
Thank you! Ah that’s so interesting. Gotta love a mother’s intuition 🙂