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How My Nutrition Has Changed Since Marathon Training

Wondering what your marathon training diet should look like? I’m talking about how my nutrition and food choices have changed since starting marathon training.

Nutrition for marathon training is paramont. You won’t have a successful training cycle or race without adequate fuel. You don’t have to have a specific marathon training nutrition plan, but I do recommend optimizing your nutrient intake, especially for endurance fueling. 

In other words, I guess it’s safe to say I have put a larger focus on certain things since marathon training. I’ve changed up my marathon nutrition plan a little bit.

Despite what some may think, dietitians don’t eat perfectly all the time. There really is no such thing as eating perfectly, anyway.

Like anyone, I can sometimes eat too much, choose the wrong snacks at the wrong time (that don’t energize and/or satiate me), and forget to drink water. And believe me, I have done all of these, and I will do them again.

And again.

However, I can’t get away with as much as I used to when I wasn’t marathon training. By that I mean if I’m not eating right, I feel it on my runs. I have lacked the energy for those long runs and have had runs where I felt bloated the whole time.

Here are some things I’ve really focused on and learned in race day nutrition plan.

I’ve written before about the best recovery foods for after a long run, or at least, discussing what’s worked for me and the science behind what foods are best for recovery.

Running BI, marathon training

Marathon training takes a toll on the body. Not only does the body need more calories and carbohydrates, but also vitamins and minerals.

The reason for this is because we are depleting them much quicker to fuel our exercise. And it’s very important to eat more energy and calories to avoid the pitfalls of an energy deficiency

I Eat More Complex Carbohydrates

I’ve always been a carbohydrate girl. I’d estimate carbs are probably 60% of my diet. But, my intake of the starchier carbs has increased. I’m having quinoa, sweet potatoes, beans, squash and bananas on the reg.

Yes, I have a huge sweet tooth, and it’s so much easier to grab crackers or dry cereal and munch on it. But, these snacks don’t satisfy me as much.  

So, I’ve learned to snack on more complex carbs (sweet potato with nut butter, anyone?) and focus on extra vegetables to sustain my energy. 

Related: Read this post about why low carb running won’t help you PR.

Sweet Potato Nachos are a reg in our house.


Same with sweet potato energy bites

Sweet potato energy bites on striped napkin | Bucket List Tummy

I Listen to My Body

I’ve actually had to learn to eat a little bit less for dinner. This sounds silly but I normally eat a lot.

There were nights, especially after a tough workout, where I would go to bed super full because I felt I needed to fit in all of my nutrition at that one dinner. 

Plate of rice, ground beef and veggies

I’m the type of person who can’t go to bed hungry, but I also don’t want to go to bed uncomfortably full either, so this has been a good learning lesson. 

Eating in the off season is also very important and a great time to learn to listen to your body. I have a post about nutrition tips for marathon runners in the off season. 

I Eat Two Lunches

In saying that, I’ve sort of gravitated towards having two lunches most days. I’ve sort of shifted from three larger meals to four moderate-sized meals with lots of snacks.

Part of being successful with marathon training is learning how to honor your hunger.

I’m A-Okay with it. I don’t like feeling uncomfortably full because it zaps my energy. 

stuffed squash with pomegranate seeds

Get Something Green Every Day

All the more important though, while marathon training. That’s where the antioxidants are. There have been many work lunches where I have had no control over what was being served. 

So, while I’m not able to eat as many veggies as I may like at those lunches, I’ll just make sure to add extra at dinner. Or as a snack.

This takes a little bit of preparation and forecasting on my part, and making sure I have carrots/celery/peppers on hand for snacking, but it definitely helps. I love to utilize some of my favorite meal prep tips!

lunch in whole foods container

On the same note, keeping the pantry stocked is a huge help too!

I Figured Out Fueling

I have loved using UCAN and mix it before my runs.

Ucan fueling
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While research on Vitamin D and athletics is still inconclusive, there is some research linking deficiency to increased stress fractures, decreased immunity, and poorer physical performance. 

We’re actually getting into the season where it’s harder to get it from the sun (depending on where you live) because the sun’s UV rays will be weaker.

Just something to beware of, since it’s tough to get adequate Vitamin D from our foods!

We also include seafood in our diets 2x/week, since seafood is one of few dietary sources of Vitamin D.

Salmon sheetpan meals are a winner in my book because they are quick and require minimal prep and no clean up.

Breaded salmon with broccoli and potatoes | Bucket List Tummy

Overall, I’m just more aware about vitamins and minerals. Intense exercise depletes our stores moreso, so marathon training also requires more nutrients and vitamins, as well as calories.

I Prioritize Sleep

Ahhh, sleep. How I love thee. I’ve always been a night hawk and not an early riser. I’m slowly trying to transition that, but I have put a large emphasis on getting more sleep.

While I love the idea of waking up early to get a start on blog and freelance work, I know that the extra sleep is what my body needs during this time. I love reading research about how sleep strategies can help running performance

I’m trying my best to prioritize sleep, and alcohol before bed definitely doesn’t help! More information on sleep for performance

Smoothie Bowls

If I don’t have one daily, it’s got to be every other day. Cold liquid bowls are what I crave after a run, and nothing more.

I am in love with Vega’s endurance protein powder, which also has tart cherry juice and turmeric, which are great for recovery and reducing inflammation. It also has probiotics added as a bonus. 

I got turned on to Vega Sport from another dietitian. The ingredients are tasty, not chalky. Many of their protein powders also have a couple servings of greens in them!

This strawberry banana smoothie bowl is a solid option!

Vega One protein powder in smoothie bowl


I’ve been drinking more water and less coffee. My overall focus has been on water, especially after the hot summer we had (more on hydration in the summer).

I have definitely increased my intake from before training. I love having a NUUN everyday, which makes drinking water really easy or adding these hydration packets to my water, and definitely using them after a sweaty workout!

water with nuun electrolyte table

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Overhead view of breakfast foods on table with text overlay | Bucket List Tummy

How does your eating change before/during/after marathon training? 

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  1. The way you eat is how I’d do it in a perfect world. Some days I do better with it than others… we’re still trying to get back to “normal” after vacation. I much prefer a lot of smaller meals throughout the day though. And a cold smoothie bowl is a must after a workout!

    1. It certainly takes me some time to get back to normal after vacation. The body is all out of whack!

  2. Interesting read! I definitely eat smaller meals more frequently with snacks too–it works much better for me too. Otherwise, I either get too full or too bloated!

  3. I feel so much more energized after eating complex carbs like sweet potatoes, bananas, etc. Sweet potatoes and nut butter is seriously the best combo! Vega protein powder is the best too. I haven’t had the sports one though. I love the vega one and I love that I’m getting lots of greens too!

  4. I’m 6 months post marathon and just now feel like my diet is getting back to normal. I was eating SO MUCH during my training up near 3,000 calories per day AHHH! Now I can get through my day like you with 4 moderate sized meals and snacks…it’s truly crazy how much stress running can put on your body!

    1. I feel you on those high calorie days. It’s so necessary though when you think about how hard we are working!

  5. I love how you have really simple tips here that wouldn’t be hard for anybody else who is training for a race or training in general. When I’m training for a long race, I definitely am more mindful of going to bed early and drinking more water. Especially in Colorado, drinking water is so important, and I neglect it too often. And those sweet potato nachos sound like an amazing way to get in complex carbs. I think it’s awesome how our bodies know that we need more complex carbs especially in marathon training.

  6. Loved reading how you have adapted your nutrition, I also laughed at the 2 lunches – I think I just started eating 2 breakfasts during training. Now I am having a hard time adapting my nutrition post-race… Haha! Still craving a lot of complex carbs.

    1. I may stick to it – I love eating smaller meals more often. 4-5 meals a day works great for me!

  7. This is such a great post! I’m not surprised that you’ve found your routine has changed since marathon training!

    But as for sticking to the serving size of ice cream… I don’t think I could ever do that 😉

  8. I’m betting all the summer running really helped you with your vit D. I was so happy to find my levels were no longer deficient after a summer in the sun!
    This is fascinating to me. Especially the bit about complex carbs. I would think that I would crave that simple carbs, but then again, our bodies tend to know best.

    1. I definitely love my simple carbs but they don’t keep me sustained. Not to say I don’t go for them – I definitely do 🙂

  9. During this last training cycle, I tried not to use it as an excuse to overeat and ending up dropping several pounds. I made sure to eat a balanced diet and take in extra protein too and of course more carbs toward the end. What an excellent idea — sweet potatoes and nut butter. Who would have thought? Thanks for linking, Sarah!

  10. I crave carbs and I’m not marathon training. Hummm sweet potato, Yes Nut better, Yes. But I’ll leave it to you to put them together. lol. I so need to up my water and lower my coffee, it just hasn’t happened yet!

  11. I find that eating a large breakfast and having my meals become smaller and smaller throughout the day work best for my tummy. I used to eat huge dinners too, but my body feels much better when I have a smaller dinner. Awesome post, Sarah!

    1. I like the whole eat breakfast like a king mantra, since it’s my favorite meal! Thanks for reading, Sara!

  12. This was super interesting to read! I’ve never trained for a marathon but these are all really informative tips to know for when I do someday:) I’ve been on a smoothie bowl kick too and love having them for breakfasts!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! It’s fun learning about myself throughout the process. Smoothie bowls, for the win!

  13. Will have to try the nachos. Looks like a treat but good for me. This is the one part of training that I find challenging but really trying to work at. I try to remember to eat something every 3-4 hours throughout the day. I also use the kids’ bowls and plates because they tend to be the correct size for portions rather than over serve myself. Looking forward to your recovery food post!

  14. I think my hydration intake has definitely increased since marathon training. I need to eat those nachos though, they look amazing! I did have a pretty heavy sweet tooth but I’m *trying* to rein it in!

  15. When I was marathon training, I found what meals worked for me and stuck to those. I didn’t branch out too much or try too many new things. I ate a lot of the same food. Now that I’m not, I eat more diverse (and sometimes pay for it like on my run this morning) but that makes life more fun.

  16. I think that switching to 4 meals a day is a great idea, especially if that is whats working for you. I have always naturally found myself eating more during marathon training but I really need to pay attention to make sure I am getting enough quality foods! Its so much easier to grab processed foods when you are tired and hungry.

    1. Definitely true. I still do it, and then I’m hungry 10 minutes later. If I do a good job of meal prep and mentally preparing, I’m much better off.

  17. Very interesting – even from a non marathon runner. It’s always just really nice to see someone staying really aware of what is working/not working for them nutritionally and ensuring they give their body what it needs in any sort of enhanced training plan or change of lifestyle. You definitely know what you are talking about and giving your body its best chance at top performance! Well done girl.

    1. Thanks, Cora! The hard part is our bodies are always changing. I think listening to those changing needs can be challenging, but makes you feel good when you get it right!

  18. This was a fun post to read! I’m such a Talenti fan- their caramel cookie crunch is too good. And those sweet potato nachos look amazing!

  19. I can’t relate to marathon training, but since I started my weight lifting class, I’ve definitely focused more on sneaking in extra protein and worrying less about eating “too late” at night and more about making sure I eat enough overall!

  20. I am a huge nacho fan. Those sweet potato ones look delicious and I’m sure much healthier than most.. I just completed a marathon so I am not longer in marathon training mode so need to reevaluate my nutrition needs.