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Reframing Negative Self Talk

Do you struggle with reframing negative self talk? These negative self talk examples are ways we can change the voice we use towards ourselves, to more compassion and understanding.

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Negative Self Talk Examples

When thinking about negative self talk examples related to “if/then” statements, I always find it helpful to play them out.

What’s the worst that can happen? Will it actually happen?

Would I talk to a friend like this?

For example…

If I do x, then I’ll be happy…

If I get all my work done, then I’ll reward myself with girls night out –>  Sometimes we just need the motivation to finish what’s on the docket, you know?


If I get my long training runs in, then I’ll feel better prepared for my marathon –> 100% true. Being better prepared means sleeping enough before my runs, eating enough homemade running snacks, resting appropriately, etc.

Both of the above statements are true, and not disparaging or negative.

running at 25 weeks pregnant

There is smart preparation and there is lack of preparation.

I hope to stay away from the latter and put my marbles into marathon nutrition training.

But, in other contexts, these “if, then” statements can be damaging.

In fact, they sound a lot like toxic diet culture statements and the wellness diet in disguise to me.

  • If I lose 5 pounds, then I’ll be happy.
  • If I eat that cupcake, then I’ll feel guilty after eating.
  • If I don’t exercise, then I can’t eat dessert.
chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing

These are all examples of crazy talk. This isn’t reasonable at all!

By saying or thinking these things, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment if we eat something, or engage in something, or don’t commit to something.

chickpea cookies on parchment paper with cocoa nibs

Reframing Negative Self Talk Examples

If I get that promotion by age 30, then I’ll be happy –> Why can’t we be happy with “right now?”

Where we are right now?

There’s nothing wrong with having goals and being motivated to get that promotion, but why should that dictate happiness?

It’s an accomplishment, sure, but then there will be another promotion to chase. Enjoy the now. 

SUV driving in mountains

If I get x amount of likes on this post, then I’ll get more followers –> Ugh. The ups and downs of social media.

The thinking that we have to post this amount of times so people see our posts, or that we have to put up 3 blog posts a week or people will stop reading is irrational.

Your tribe is your tribe. Whoever wants to read and support you, will.

Whoever doesn’t, won’t. 

This applies to way more than just blogging, but moreso, your endeavors in life.

Chopt salad bowls

I don’t want to get the wrong point across here.

It’s very important to celebrate accomplishments and achievements – like finishing a marathon and qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

We worked hard for those, we went out of our comfort zone, we reached a goal or milestone, we did something amazing. 

Not all “If, Then’s” need to be tied to negative habits and futile emotional circles.

Angeline's brussel sprouts

I think “If, Then” statements can be great for rewarding ourselves (in non-food ways) for work and accomplishments.

They can even be motivating.

Though I stress rewards in non-food ways.

Giving yourself unconditional permission to eat and to have a cupcake if you work out is not a reward. You have that permission any time of the day.

If I buy new running shoes, then my feet won’t hurt as much. This is sensible and probably a safe decision for my running if I’ve been in my old shoes for too long.

mom running on gravel path with daughter

But for those that are damaging… 

What if we tried to reframe them, or look at the “if” equations as ways to bring us up, rather than degrade ourselves?

  • If I don’t lose 5 pounds, I’m still the same person with the same values. No one will love me any less.
  • If I eat that cupcake, I’m going to enjoy it because I really want it. What’s the worst thing that can happen?
  • If I don’t exercise, it’s because I didn’t feel like it. Or because my body needed rest. Or because I had a busy day. Or because you don’t need a reason.
Warm bath in relaxing setting

Or how about using “If, then” statements to help with anxiety or mood, or boost our confidence.

If I take a bath, then I’ll feel more relaxed.

If I spend the time researching and reading about something, then I’ll feel more comfortable explaining it to someone else.

If I tell someone how I feel, then I will feel less stressed about having it bottled up.

There’s no easy answer and we all are different.

But in no way are these negative self talk example positive for anyone.

Let’s take some pressure off ourselves and make a pact that the next “If, then” statement we say, or think, or do, will be a POSITIVE one.

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  1. Yesss I cannot agree with you more on this! If/When statements drive me NUTS because they not only lead to disappointment – they often stop people from doing the things they love or stop them doing things because they’re scared because they turn it into when and then statements;

    When I’m xxxxxxxx, then I’ll xxxxxxx
    When xxxxxxxx happens, then I’ll xxxxxx.

    We really are our own worst enemies!

  2. I think the whole negative self talk thing is so hard to avoid – especially as women. I’m making a big effort to chill on it, because I really don’t want my kids growing up and remembering me as the mom who was always putting herself or worse, thinking it’s normal.

    1. I think it’s a challenge, like you said. for me, just realizing it was happening was the first step to helping me feel better about it because I could come up with some alternatives for dealing with it.

  3. Love this so much! Staying positive is definitely the only way to go. I really like that you said sometimes you don’t need a reason for whatever you choose to do like skipping a workout one day etc. Such a healthy and realistic way to be.

    1. No reason except that you just don’t want to. When we learn to let go of expectations and listen to what we really want/need, it is powerful.

  4. LOVE this post. I am so glad that I found your blog, I definitely will be on regularly now! I’m really working on staying more positive myself. I recommend subscribing to TUT daily emails, they have really helped me with this.
    – emma

  5. time out…tuna meatballs!?!? I must try these asap…yes yes yes I can so easily slip into these type phrases but I have learned to RECOGNIZE when it happens and i”m working on turning that negative into positive…part of the battle is just recognizing when it is happening!

    1. I think recognizing it is one of the most important parts of awareness, and then retraining our minds to get ourselves out of it or find a different way to deal!

  6. Great post! Yes, negative self talk is so bad. I’ve finally gotten a lot better about it. It is definitely something we all need to work on I think.

  7. Yes! I am definitely guilty of struggling with this off and on. Why do we do this to ourselves?! I feel like im in a great place with food but man…in the past i definitely guilt-ed myself if i ate something bad, skipped a workout, etc. Great reminder post–ill definitely be sharing this one!

  8. I really love this post. Totally guilty of some of those thoughts, especially around food and exercise. But I’m working on it!

  9. LOVE this so much!! The if then statements are so damaging to our health. They cause us to overthink and create disappointment for ourselves. Taking those statements out of my vocab and self talk has caused me to make great progressions in my mental health and well-being!

  10. Awesome post~ I definitely fall into this trap. I tend to be very hard on myself and set super high expectations. I think setting goals is awesome and so is self discipline. However, it is when we take these things to the extreme that they start to become negative. I am trying to be more mindful and grateful for the present moment. I think embracing where you are at in your journey is super important, and something I need to remind myself of more often!

    1. You’re so right, Sarah! Goals are great, but remembering and embracing our own journey is key.