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45 Homemade Running Snacks

These ideas for homemade running snacks can help you step up your running performance, with great pre-run options or post-run recovery snacks!

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As a sports dietitian, I am very particular about making sure my clients are eating enough for their running! I’ve seen too much relative energy deficiency in sport, particularly among runners.

It’s so easy to under fuel, even if unintentionally. Having ample athlete snacks on hand is important and can really help.

I also recommend buying a few of these snack spinners. They’re great for on the go and having multiple options to choose from!

gobe snack spinner with snacks in it

And if you’re short on time, don’t think trail running snacks need to take a ton of time!

Many of the time, I’m utilizing my favorite healthy no bake snacks.

Best Snacks for Runners

I often have followers and clients ask me what the best snacks for runners are.

And I always respond with, “whatever you like and will eat.” By that I mean, there is no one best snack for every runner.

We all like different things, and honestly, I don’t care too much about what you eat before a run.

What I care about is that you are eating enough, and hopefully, getting carb-rich snacks in, since we know that those are the prime macronutrient group for runners.

If you like seeing visual photos of balanced plates, check out our post on performance plates for runners.

There are several storebought snacks that I love and use (ahem, Thrive Market), but many people prefer to make their own snacks for running, especially if they follow a particular eating style or have a sensitive stomach.

Suffering from runners stomach symptoms is usually directly related to what you’re eating or not eating.

girl in red shirt bending over with stomach pain after running

Easy Homemade Snacks for Runners

To make my favorite homemade running snacks, I often lean on my athlete grocery list for structure on what to fill my pantry and fridge with.

If I don’t have a good array of my favorite ingredients, it can be more challenging to make some of these healthy homemade snack options.

homemade trail mix on granite countertop | Bucket List Tummy

Many of these are easy high carb snacks for runners. They can also be used as pre run snacks, of course, and homemade evening snacks, too!

Homemade running snacks can include smoothies, energy bites, muffins, bars, savory fritters, salty options, etc.

Homemade Running Snacks

These homemade running snacks can fuel your run. From pre run snacks to evening snack ideas, these wholesome foods are easy for meal prep and feeding your family!

Don’t forget about liquids either – I love a good greek yogurt smoothie or homemade electrolyte drink to support my running diet, too!

The great thing is, whether you’re doing a pyramid speed workout, training for a marathon, or eating before a soccer game, all of these principles still apply. 

We are athletes and we need to fuel as so.

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