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20+ Ideas For Practicing Self Care in Pregnancy

Practicing self care during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself during the exciting, yet important stage of life. While nutrition and exercise are important, let’s break down what self care for pregnant moms can look like to prepare for the future.

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Disclaimer – This post is for informational purposes only and is not for diagnosing or treatment. See your medical provider or Registered Dietitian for individual recommendations. 

I originally wrote this post after my first pregnancy, and I’ve since gone back and reviewed it now as a mom of 3.

These are some of my favorite pregnancy self care ideas that I either did when I was pregnant, or wish I did.

Going from 2 to 3 kids has been, perhaps, the hardest transition of my life.

Now that I’m on the other side and know what I’ve had to weather, I thought it would be helpful to talk about self care activities during pregnancy that could be helpful to others.

Pregnancy self-care with plate of healthy fruit choices

And this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to pamper yourself while pregnant (though if you do enjoy pampering during pregnancy, amazing!).

But instead, just some realistic tips for how a pregnant woman should take care of herself during those long 9+ months.

How Do You Practice Self Care in Pregnancy?

By definition, self care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.

So, applying that to pregnancy self care would mean: actions taken to improve your own health and/or the health of your pregnancy.

And while we think self care means bubble baths all day long (a bubble bath could be a great form of pregnancy self care!), it also extends beyond relaxation to other areas of life, such as:

  • nutrition and a balanced diet
  • movement
  • seeing your doctor/care provider regularly
  • have a team of healthcare professionals
  • prioritizing adequate sleep
  • mental health
  • taking time to know yourself better
  • social health
  • taking time to do nothing
  • relaxation
  • and more

Anything that you do to care for yourself. Something doesn’t have to be indulgent for it to be nourishing to your body.

For example, it may feel indulgent to pay $100 for a 60 minute massage, but what if you took an epsom salt bath (with permission from your doctor, of course) before bed to help achieve that self care instead.

Warm epsom salt bath in relaxing setting for pregnancy self care

Self care can be simple and practical. It means putting yourself first and listening to what your body wants.

Knowing how to practice self care during pregnancy will set you up for success once you have a baby/babies. You need to care for yourself first and foremost.

Here are some places you can start.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin

A prenatal should be standard for pregnant women to take, and for the most part it is. But not all prenatal vitamins are created equally!

Make sure to choose one that is ideally third-party tested and meets your nutrition needs. Important nutrients during pregnancy include B-Vitamins (especially folate), choline, iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin D.

Of course, all nutrients are important!

Set Boundaries

What do boundaries look like for you? This may be saying no to more late night events so you can instead go to bed earlier.

This may be setting boundaries around the negative people in your life, or people who bring you down.

girl in white sweater looking at her phone

Perhaps, it’s boundaries around screen time and social media, where you often feel bad about yourself after comparing your pregnancy to a friend’s or influencer’s.

You are unique and you need to trust the process – instill any boundaries that feel safe and right for you during this special, exciting time.

It’s also helpful to have an emotional support system available – through local support or pregnancy groups, exercise classes, friends, family and even therapy. Maternal mental health should not be overlooked.

Do Some Meal Prep

I promise, any postpartum freezer meals you can make ahead of time will be such a game changer when you’re on your last nerve of hearing your newborn cry for no reason.

Or, you just have no energy to feed yourself in those early days/weeks.

I found prepping dinners to be the easiest, but prepping postpartum snacks, postpartum meal ideas, and even meal prepping oatmeal (a balanced and nutritious breakfast/snack) can be super helpful for you in those final months of pregnancy.

leftover oatmeal cookies on baking sheet with toppings

Eat On a Schedule (+ When You’re Hungry)

We all know that pregnancy hormones can make appetite wonky.

In fact, I had to rely on a regimented healthy pregnancy breakfast to make sure I got nutrients, because I never knew what the rest of the day entailed in terms of my appetite and morning sickness.

As a Registered Dietitian, I know just how important it is to get proper nutrition in during pregnancy.

These smoothies for pregnancy were literal lifesavers. I could pack in nutritious food, adequate calories, protein and fruits/veggies.

I would also usually add collagen to my breakfast smoothies – Here are some of the best collagen powders for pregnancy.

A cantaloupe and mango smoothie is a great snacks for kids.

I’m usually all about listening to your body, but when you have so many aversions and may not feel like eating, sometimes you have to power through for your growing baby.

Getting enough protein is especially important during pregnancy, so I also relied on several pregnancy protein snacks.

And practicing gentle nutrition, and being open to eating if you don’t feel hungry but know you need to eat

So, eating regularly during pregnancy is an act of self care for any expectant mother and baby.

scrambled eggs, beef and cauliflower in a breakfast skillet

By doing this, you are honoring your hunger and developing trust and connection with your body.

Think about how you feel if you ask a question or make a statement and no one acknowledges you.

The more practice we have at listening to our hunger cues, the more our body learns to trust us. This is a great way to practice Intuitive Eating.

chocolate chip cookies on baking sheet

Wear Comfy Clothes

This is the best part of pregnancy! I have about a zillion pairs of these maternity leggings, and I also shopped religiously through Kindred Bravely.

I swear, I lived in this nursing hoodie during pregnancy and postpartum.

You also HAVE to have comfy undies, and these are the best!

Woman wearing maroon hoodie with front pockets as self care during pregnancy


Of course, mindful movement is just as important for pregnancy as it is when not pregnant.

Regular exercise can help boost mood and mood swings, provide endorphins, reduce blood sugar and blood pressure, improve heart health and more.

Running while pregnant may not be for everyone (I did it for 2 pregnancies and here are my tips for running in the third trimester), but there are so many other ways to move your body.

I adopted a lot more strength work in my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, and I think my body and joints thanked me for it.

pregnant woman exercising

I do think exercise can be a type of self-care activity during pregnancy if and when it makes you feel good.

To me, the feeling of letting go of a stressful day with a long run or an exercise class is bliss.

See a Pelvic Floor Therapist

Strengthening your pelvic floor shouldn’t only be thought of postpartum. It’s actually really important during pregnancy too!

Seeing a pelvic floor therapist was paramount after having a C Section and then going on to have a VBAC.

My therapist helped me with breathing, exercises that are safe to do for strengthening core, and so much more!

Heres more about my experience with physical therapy for pelvic floor.

visual diagram of pelvic floor as an example of self care during pregnancy

Treat Yourself to a Fancy Coffee or Tea

I have since upgraded to the ninja coffee machine, but before that, I would do drip coffee, which just isn’t the best.

There’s just something that can’t be matched with a fresh latte from a coffee shop. It can even be decaf!

Staring out a window, lost in your thoughts. Or, even journaling and embracing productivity.

hot latte with baked good

Discuss with your doctor the caffeine recommendations (it’s usually safe for pregnant women to enjoy 1-2 cups a day, or opt for decaf!).

Journal Your Thoughts Or Write To Your Baby

I used a pregnancy journal in each of my three pregnancies because I wanted to remember them and I felt that it helped with stress management.

How I felt, what foods I loved/didn’t love (some of them actually correlated with what my kids liked!), what kinds of exercise I did, where I traveled to, etc.

Believe me – pregnancy brain is a real thing! So write down what you want to remember.

Full Focus journal

Find a New Hobby

I enjoyed watercolor painting when I was pregnant, but I’ve heard of other pregnant women doing things like cross stitch, pottery, puzzles, adult coloring and more.

adult coloring book

You should also include cultural practices or things that are important to you!

Look up Trips (Without Actually Booking Them)

I’m a traveler. I love the idea of going somewhere new to explore new sites and eat new food. For example, we did our babymoon in Savannah.

But, planning a trip can be stressful.

Sometimes, just looking up trips (without going through about planning) provides just enough excitement and pep, without having to pull out your credit card, book flights, make up itineraries, etc.

It makes me happy and excited for the future and sometimes that’s all I need in that moment.

Charleston, SC sunset with a sailboat in front of it

Have No Plans At All

Yes, zero it all out! Stretch your legs out horizontally for as long as comfortable – without those pregnancy cramps.

I look forward to weekends with no plans more than I ever have before. Something about having that opportunity and space to just reset.

Ignoring the work. Enjoying the weather. Living in the moment.

Transforming our home into what we envision. Spending time with pets. Sleeping in before I can’t do that anymore with a newborn.

legs relaxed with dog laying on them

Sleep In

Along with the no plans, sleep in. Believe me, future you will thank you.

If you’re not a person who sleeps in (you enjoy those early 6am wakeups!), then try to at least take an afternoon nap or go to bed earlier. Grab those z’s while you can!


There is so much research on the benefits of meditation for physical and mental health, such as positive brain changes, decreased depression and anxiety, improved immunity and inflammatory processes and more.

These habits can even extend beyond pregnancy!

pregnant woman on birth ball

Hydrate with Homemade Electrolyte Drinks

Pregnancy hydration is probably very much underpromoted.

Your needs are much higher than normal since your body is growing and you are also fueling another human being.

I LOVED these homemade electrolyte drinks for pregnancy to help me get those necessary electrolytes for pregnancy without relying on yucky supplements.

homemade electrolyte drink with coconut lime flavor

Make Your Favorite Mocktail

If electrolyte drinks aren’t your thing, make a fun pregnancy mocktail!

There are so many ways you can enjoy yourself (and hydrate!) sans alcohol, plus you’ll sleep better and be more healthy for it, too.

If it’s fall or winter, a nice alcohol-free sangria may be nice to get those extra antioxidants from fall produce.

Or, in the summer, a nice mint strawberry fizz cocktail – just omit the vodka, and substitute seltzer for the prosecco.

sangria with fruit slices and oranges

Another nice way to cool down is with a nice creamy coconut popsicle.

Write a Birth Plan

You may not see this as self care, but this is preparation and something you want to think about.

You can do it with relaxing candles lit, some nice music, and even over or after a nice dinner with your partner.

Preparing for home birth was one of the best things I could have done, mentally, emotionally and physically.

woman leaning against birth tub during home birth contractions


Stretching was SO Helpful for me during pregnancy because I was always so tight. The body was growing and my joints just weren’t used to it!

I also recommend seeing a chiropractor if you are able. Proper alignment was a challenge for me during all three pregnancies!

I used a rebozo a TON after my birth class recommended it. It was great to rub over the belly (your partner can do it while you’re on all 4’s and it’s great during labor!), but also to stretch out my hamstrings and more.

I also used a foam roller often! Here are some of my favorite foam roller exercises.

Be Productive (When The Time Feels Right)

On a day you have energy, go out and view some of the baby sales and deals, rather than ordering everything online.

It can be fun to pick out your crib, stroller, and plan the theme of your nursery.

If you want to be more low key, Pinterst has so many ideas and visual inspiration for themes and decorating. You can even start to plan your play room if you have the space.

mom looking at baby in nursery

Form a skin care routine

After all, our skin is the entry to our body and we want to have clear skin!

Pregnancy hormones can sometimes wreak havoc on skin (mine especially).

I had so much success using my 1-2-3 cleanser/serum and night cream from Fre (use code “BUCKET” for 30% off!)

fre skin care

Enjoy Food with Others

Food is social. There’s so much more that can come from the enjoyment with others.

Like watching your friends’ enjoy your grandma’s favorite chili recipe. Or, having a monthly theme for dinner dates.

This pregnancy salmon recipe is also a hit!

outdoor dining with hummus pasta salad and chicken wings

Getting other perspectives on food. Sharing dishes and telling stories. Good for the heart and soul.

Explore Nature

Whether it’s cycling, hiking, walking, or even just sitting outside, nature has a way of bringing me instant appreciation and uplifting mood.

Reveling in this space around us is so grounding.

Exercise may look a little different after baby comes – especially if you’re breastfeeding.

You’ll definitely want to see a pelvic floor therapist, and really plan when balancing running and breastfeeding.

walking path in the woods

Final Tips for Pregnancy Self Care

Remember, that while self care practices might be gentle movement for you, while it may look like a long run for someone else.

The bottom line is that we are all different, our needs are different, and we’re in different stages.

These are the simple ways I listen to my body and find joy in this life.

Don’t get me wrong – I love massages, bubble baths with candles, enjoying a bottle of champagne, and weekend away at a mountain resort.

I’d probably jump at any of those opportunities. But, when we miss the simple forms of self care (like rest, sunsets, walks) that life offers us, I think we’re missing out on quite a lot.

standing in front of mirror after work out session
This is me in the very early stages of pregnancy with my third, doing a light workout for self care.

It’s okay to put boundaries up, and say no to others. It’s also okay to ask for help in whatever way needed.

Remind yourself this is just a (new) season of life.

Pregnancy Self Care Gifts

If you’re someone who relies on gifts versus than experiences, here are some of my favorite self care pregnancy gifts that you could gift to yourself (or a friend).

Use these for self care after pregnancy as well!

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  1. I am totally a trip looker-upper. I could do it for hours. Also reading…especially binge reading.

  2. I love all these! I especially love the look up trips one, I do that all the time. I also loved the weekends with nothing to do. I like to have a balance of jam packed weekends and nice breathers! These are great reminders!

  3. Just last weekend me and my husband decided to go for a jog at the park. We then helped ourselves to a freshly blended juice. It was so refreshing and feels more energized afterwards.
    For me, self care is also spending time with love ones, and doing things together that we enjoy.

    1. That sounds like such a perfect afternoon. Spending time with loved ones can bring so much peace and rejuvenation 🙂

  4. Having no plans is my ultimate self-care. Sometimes I just need to do my own thing – especially on the weekend after a busy week!

  5. This is an excellent reminder that just listening to your body can be the greatest and most important act of self care. These are the things that are going to rewire our brains to love ourselves and give ourselves compassion on an ongoing basis, no matter the phase of life we are in. I love this —> “Think about how you feel if you ask a question or make a statement and no one acknowledges you. Now, think about how your body feels when it asks for fuel and we ignore it?” What a good way of putting it.

    My acts of self care are the little things. Of course I wouldn’t say no to a pedicure or trip, but I often feel less comfortable with the more indulgent practices. It is the new coffee shops and time on the grass that really soothe me.

    1. I’m with you girl. Give me coffee shops and nature and that’s all I need. And dessert 🙂

  6. I’m not good at practicing self-care. But when I do, I like to get a pedicure or just lay around! Great reminder of how and why we need to do this!

  7. I love having weekends with no plans. And there is something so nice about buying a coffee out! These are great, simple strategies.

  8. Yup to all of this. I love doing nothing or just sitting and reading a book. It’s so simple and incredibly refreshing. And eating when you’re hungry is really rewarding. 🙂 When exercise is a form of relaxation for me, I actually really love it. When I’m trying to use it to compensate for eating ‘pizza’ or donuts, it’s always stressful. It’s amazing how that works.

    1. It’s important to distinguish between the two, and I’m glad you find joy in it when it’s relaxing. That is how we want to view it.

  9. Excellent reminders! Self care definitely isn’t selfish. I ALWAYS carve out enough daily “me time” without any guilt. Hope all others do the same! We all deserve it. Happy Monday to you, and thank you for continuing to inspire with your posts.