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What a Nutritionist Eats in a Day

If you’re wondering what a dietitian nutritionist eats in a day, this post is for you! As a dietitian and mom, here is what I eat in a day.

Since March is National Nutrition Month, I reached out to many of my awesome dietitian blogger and colleague friends, asking about some of their favorite foods to include every day.

I think there can still be some misconception that dietitians are the food police and out to tell people to “eat less of this, and less of that.”

But in reality, many of us eat the same things as our clients, and we’re often talking about ways to add things in, rather than take things away.

After all, we passed the RD exam, and are the nutrition experts!

plate of brown eggs

We know that food is more than fuel, and we aren’t robots.

We’re all trying to get 25 grams of protein at breakfast, and spread protein throughout the day. But, protein isn’t the only thing we focus on – many nutritionists focus on complex carbohydrates (with fiber and nutrients), and healthy omega 3 fats.

Let’s see what a nutritionist eats in a day!

What a Nutritionist Eats in a Day

So, here are some of the favorites among nutrition professionals and dietitian colleagues.


“I eat one square of Ghiradelli dark chocolate almost every day. It satisfies my sweet tooth, and I love getting antioxidants with it.” – Jennifer Lynn-Pullman, RD from Nourished Simply.

square of dark chocolate

Nuts and Nut Butters

Nuts are portable and full of satiating protein and healthy fats, which are good for heart health!

“I have a tablespoon of unsalted nut or seed butter either in a smoothie, in breakfast oats, or spread on dates after a run. I feel better knowing it gives me protein and healthy fats in one serving!” – Katie Pfeffer-Scanlan, MS, RD, LD from One Hungry Bunny.

Personally, I’m partial to this salted cinnamon peanut butter, but I’ll also throw peanut butter into dips, like this pumpkin cookie dough.


Flax Seeds

“I eat flax seeds or walnuts every day. By starting out the morning with these healthy plant foods sprinkled over my morning cereal, I feel good knowing that I get a great dose of plant omega-3s in my diet.” – Sharon Palmer, RDN, The Plant Powered Dietitian

almonds with scoop of peanut butter

“I eat walnuts every day. I add them to my cereal, yogurt, dips, or as a snack before and after workouts. Walnuts provide me with the extra protein and omega 3 healthy fats that my body needs every day.

I can quickly grab a small handful of walnuts and know that it will satisfy me.” – Rahaf Al Bochi, RD, LD at Olive Tree Nutrition.


“I eat some form of berries about every day, whether they’re strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries.

Not only are they flavorful and nourishing, but my kids also love them, too!” – Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RDN, CSSC from Go Wellness.

strawberries and blueberries at grocery store

Yogurt & Kefir

Personally, I can’t go a day without a satisfying greek yogurt smoothie.

“I’m such a fan of the creamy, hearty greek yogurt and I love how it’s a great source of protein and calcium. I usually eat it with fruit and cereal, in a smoothie, or as a snack with ground flaxmeal or chia seeds.” – Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN.

“I just don’t feel like myself if I miss out on yogurt – plain low fat or full-fat Greek or skyr. Aside from the beneficial probiotic bacteria, I also love that it’s a combination of protein and carbs that feels right for my body and keeps me going when I need a filling snack between long stretches.

One of my favorite ways to eat it is with cocoa powder stirred in and a teaspoon of peanut butter. – Jess Cording, RD from Jessica Cording Nutrition

greek yogurt with fruit

Fruits and Veggies

This one probably isn’t surprising, knowing that we’re dietitians, right?

“I absolutely have to have spinach every day. It’s my favorite way to add bulk to my meals and make sure I’m getting my veggies in. I add it to eggs or a smoothie at breakfast, use it in a salad or sandwich for lunch, and stack it underneath whatever I’m having for dinner.” – Jessica Spiro, RD

“To encourage myself to hydrate during the day, I dress up my water with a cucumber slice. It adds just a touch of flavor that I need to pick up my water and sip.” – Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN.

“I always have a salad with mixed greens and a scoop of hummus on top” – Janet Brancato, RD from MyNutopia

carrots and leafy greens

“For breakfast, I almost always scramble 1 cup of egg whites with one overripe banana. I mash the banana with a fork. The dish is large, filling, low in calories, high in protein, perfect for those of us with a sweet tooth. It sounds bizarre but it is so delicious!” – Danielle Cushing, RD and author of The Every Kitchen.

“Since winter is ending, you will likely find me eating foraged greens and spring onions!” – Tara Beth Johnson


“I add cinnamon to my almond butter and toast every morning. I think spices are a great source of phytonutrients and I am to add an herb or spice to every meal.” – Jean LaMantia, RD

What Dietitians eat every day

What I Eat Every Day as a Dietitian Nutritionist

Well, golly gee, I eat many of the staples that these wonderful women have listed above.

I will add, I’m also currently adding a bunch of breastfeeding night snacks with a newborn.

Within a normal day, I’m eating:

sarah schlichter eating peanut butter

All this to say..there’s no perfect day of what food SHOULD look like. What works best for you is perfect.

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  1. Love this! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who eats certain things every day!

  2. My everyday eats are usually a smoothie with fruit but almost always a banana, oatmeal, nut butter, eggs, and dark chocolate. I really wish I would have studied some form of nutrition in school, happy belated RD Day!

  3. always nut butter, always chocolate, always coffee, and usually a glass or two of almond milk!
    Happy (belated) 1st RD day!

  4. Yay! I eat a lot of these foods! And by a lot, I mean a lot of chocolate 😀
    And Greek Yogurt, egg whites, bluebs (in love with them right now), oats…

  5. This is one of the coolest posts I’ve read about daily eats; I LOVE how you got so many different ladies to contribute; it makes me think, ‘Wow, RD’s aren’t too different from the rest of us.’ 🙂

  6. Yummy! I eat peanut butter every single day in some way or another. I pretty much eat oatmeal every day as well and some kind of almond or cashew milk! Also, I eat dessert every single day. Cookies, ice cream, dark chocolate, i need something sweet every single day!

  7. I ea a lot of these foods too.My evening snack is usually some dark chocolate covered nuts. I think the food I probably eat the most of is sweet potatoes!

  8. So many of these! Berries, nut butter, yogurt (coconut) and lots of veggies…

  9. Totally on board with veggies,nut butter and chocolate (or cocoa!) I eat all of those everyday! I also ALWAYS have eggs!

  10. Berries, dark chocolate, peanut butter and cinnamon would definitely be on my list. I actually think each of these things make an appearance 6/7 days of the week.. And that 7th day is a little extra sad. I’d like to start getting in more Omega 3s though. But really not a fan of walnuts unfortunately. .

    1. I can’t have walnuts so I’m in your camp! I’ve actually been doing chia seeds every day, plus fish oil supplements, for more omegas.

  11. I find it strange to hear an RD recommending egg whites and banana. I don’t eat eggs for ethical reasons, but isn’t that kind of the “diet mentality” we’re all fighting against?

      1. That egg white comment made me go “say what?” too…but I know a few people who don’t like yolks, so maybe that’s it.

        I love this post! It’s such a great reminder that eating well doesn’t mean you give up delicious foods for bland or extremely exotic ones. I eat nut butter and a banana daily.