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Best Salt Lake City Eats

If you’re looking for some of the best eats in Salt Lake City, look no further. All of my Salt Lake City foodies can find options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, cocktails and more in this post.

We got home late Tuesday night from Salt Lake City. I have so much I can’t wait to tell you about but today, just wanted to pop in and share some of my favorite dishes from travel.

I have a more detailed, full Salt Lake City Travel Guide recap to come soon, too, as well as an Ogden Marathon recap.

There is so much food amazingness in SLC, if you’ve never been. Add it to your bucket list now!

The Best Salt Lake City Eats

Mediterranean doner – How had I never had one of these before? So much amazingness in each bite.

Salt Lake City Eats

Craft Cookies – And the best part about this place was you can try as many as you want, and the sample sizes are no joke.

Salt Lake City Eats
Salt Lake City Eats

The best avocado toast I’ve ever had

Salt Lake City Eats

Cast iron scrambles

Salt Lake City Eats


Salt Lake City Eats

Speakeasy craft cocktails

Salt Lake City Eats

Mediterranean Plates

Salt Lake City Eats

Fluffy “mile high” biscuits, as they call them

Salt Lake City Eats

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes – I’m such a sucker for sweet in the morning

Salt Lake City Eats

Thick customizable toast – I got sourdough with strawberry rhubarb jam, and mocha chocolate chip bread with cinnamon butter!!

Salt Lake City Eats

Superfoods salad with lentil patties – We needed SOME veggies 😉

Salt Lake City Eats

Tacos and Enchiladas – This place was on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives

Salt Lake City Eats

It was nice to just RELAX. We explored botanical gardens, mountains, islands and more. It felt so good. More posts to come about that.

Salt Lake City Eats

Best thing you ate this week so far?

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  1. Everything looks so delicious. Never been there, but might have to stop when we take our trip in August/September. Writing it down for future reference.

  2. Dang I don’t even know what looks best! Looks like you found some AMAZING eats!

  3. So far nothing spectacular but I see some good eats in my future this weekend! I got to catch up all that food looks DELICIOUS!

  4. ok… I want all of this!! especially that avocado toast- looks dreamy! Best thing I ate this week- vegan blueberry muffin. So good!

  5. omg I want this whole thing. Especially that iced coffee and avocado toast!!! :-O

  6. O my I want all of this food in my face right now! We went to a local ice cream shop and I had the Okinawan cookie ice cream. It was amazing!

  7. Wow you are certainly blessed this week! The best thing I’ve eaten recently is called Dragon Sauce. It’s something we are having as a special at work…and it really makes my life extra special. I could DRINK this stuff it’s so good 🙂

  8. Those biscuits O_O WOW. And you found all the good eats; you’re a master of finding those good delicious local eats. Those cookies were calling my name when you posted them on Instagram. That Mocha Chocolate Chip bread; sign me up. 🙂 Sorry I get really excited when it comes to anything foodie related. 🙂

  9. I’m legit drooling over every single picture. Can’t wait to hear more about your marathon/trip!

  10. Oh me gawd do NOT go to this post hungry!! I don’t know if you research and search out these places before you go, or you just have the most talented Tucan beak for smelling out the top spots, but dang you could write a travel-where-to-eat guide.
    Now I’m curious… in Canada you can only really get a true “doner” on the east coast, and what makes it a doner and not a gyro is a sweet sauce. Is that what a doner is down there? Or is it just a gyro?
    That cookie place… and that TOAST place… geez!

    1. Finding food spots when traveling is one of my favorite things in the world. I think I have a knack for it 🙂 To be honest, I’m not exactly sure about the difference between a doner and gyro, but I think it has to do with the seasoning and how it’s prepared.

  11. OMG Yum all these eats look AMAZING! What’s in the Mediterranean Doner? It looks so good and I love Mediterranean food and spices!

    1. It’s similar to a gyro, but I think it has to do with the way it’s cooked on a kebab or seasoned. I’m not exactly sure but it’s delicious!