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Day in the Life (With a Newborn!)

I had a recent request for a day in the life post so I thought it would be good to write about what our newborn days look like right now!

Obviously, each day is a little different but this is from a day last week when I remembered to write down our general routine.

230 am – Hannah wakes and I feed her. I actually woke up a little engorged and considered waking her but decided I’d let her go.

We’re just at the 4-hour mark and trying to slowly stretch it to 5 hours without her waking.

I pumped a little with my new motif duo pump, which I’m really liking, and tried to go back to sleep. I’m not sure I did because when something is on my mind I drift in and out.

I also have a Spectra s2 pump, which I like, but it has to be plugged into an outlet, which isn’t always convenient. 

6:45 – Hannah and I were up for the day! I changed her, nursed her and headed downstairs for coffee.

I organized a few things in the kitchen (so much clutter everywhere right now) before getting Camryn up around 7:30 for the day.

cup of hot coffee in a mug

I made her breakfast and started a load of towels. I try to do random laundry and chores during the week when I can so the weekend doesn’t feel like “to do” overloads.

7:55 am – I put Hannah down for her first nap of the day. She’s a great day napper and I usually have to wake her to feed for her next feeding. She can easily sleep 2-3 hours for her nap.

Yea…I’m enjoying it while it lasts!

8:40 am – Ed took Camryn to school and while Hannah napped, I published my pumpkin zucchini muffin recipe and worked on some other blog stuff and a freelance piece.

I made a smoothie with this protein powder, banana, spinach, frozen cherries, hemp seeds, milk and peanut butter. I also had a few frozen waffles with peanut butter because I need to chew alongside my greek yogurt smoothies

peanut butter coffee smoothie in clear glass with straws

9:20 – Snacktime!

I  snacked on a daily harvest bite. They are so good and it’s safe to say I’m obsessed with them.

They are great right out of the freezer because they are cold and a little chewy. But, you could also let them thaw too!

daily harvest frozen bites

These bites have been great nursing snacks and they’re tasty, plus flavors that I wouldn’t ordinarily make so I think they are 100% worth it!

If you want to try Daily Harvest, use the code “BLTDAILY” at checkout for $25 off your first order!

daily harvest frozen bites ingredients

11:00 – Pretty soon it was time to wake Hannah up and feed her. I then threw her in the sling so I could finish up a little more work before we headed out for a walk with Tater.

I really try to get out before noon if I can, I know it makes me feel so much better.

Walking has been so enjoyable. It’s really the only exercise I’m doing right now and I feel like it helps my mood and is functionally helping me recover, too!

mom holding newborn in solly wrap

Most days, we’re getting out for two walks which is nice, especially in this fall weather! Hannah is a pro stroller napper!

When we got back, I let her finish her nap on me (who can deny baby chest naps) and watched a little Shitts Creek. I’m rewatching all of the episodes and loving them just as much.

newborn baby sleeping on chest

12:00 – Then it was time for lunch! I made a bagel and topped half with avocado and turkey and the other half with peanut butter. Also added an apple and some veggies with hummus…all of the fats!

I love my food huggers which helps save the other half of the avocado and keep it fresh in the fridge. Highly recommend!

I also forgot to mention – I am drinking TONS of water these days. I have to for nursing, and I am constantly thirsty. 

lunch plate with apple and vegetables

After lunch, we do tummy time and some play. Hannah is starting to become more aware and I think the smiling is coming soon.

She just turned one month so I took this picture too!

baby with one month old sticker
1:20 – I put Hannah down for a nap. I come back downstairs and do a little work and finish my freelance piece before laying down around 2:15 myself.
3:15 – I hear Hannah and we’re both up from our naps. I feed her and we watch a little tv and sit outside. She goes down shortly after (her wake windows aren’t super long) and I do some baking. I made these flourless pumpkin cookies I’m testing for the blog. 
no bake pumpkin cookies with peanut butter
4:00 – I also do some dinner meal prep. If I can have some sort of meal prepped (or partially prepped) by the time Camryn gets home from daycare, our lives are significantly easier. It’s non stop when she gets home as we battle dinner, bath and bedtime. 
5:15 – Ed is home with Camryn and we all go out for another family walk! We try to do something outside when she gets home because this weather between summer/fall is so lovely. And she still has more energy to get out. 
We have a beautiful greenway in our neighborhood that we walk on a lot. And when I’m marathon training, it’s great for adding miles to my runs. 
toddler in pink dress walking on greenway
6:30 – We eat dinner. We enjoyed a dinner that some friends sent us. I’m loving Freshly because the meals are already cooked for you – all you have to do is microwave them!
They come in single serving packages. 
They have tons of choices and they are quite balanced and healthy and veggie forward. I also found the serving size to be pretty good, compared to some meal delivery services. 
Corn and pork with white rice on blue plate
Hannah is usually a little fussier at this point, and wants to be held. I have the solly wrap and I really like it. It’s so comfortable and great for short bursts around the house when Hannah just wants to be held.
After a while, I prefer something a little more sturdy as my back starts to hurt after some time. So, I just bought this Ergo Embrace and I’m loving it so far. So it’s so helpful to have my hands free to manage everything. 
7:15 – Bath and bedtime routne for Camryn. We’re still figuring out how to manage bedtime with two kiddos and newsflash, I don’t have the answer yet.
Right now, Hannah sleeps in intervals so she usually snoozes downstairs with us while we watch tv or read before heading up for the night. 
I do want to try putting her down earlier so I can help with bedtime with Cam (or at least come in after Ed does bedtime stories and such), because right now I don’t feel balanced at all, and I miss the bedtime stuff with Cam.
We haven’t yet introduced a bottle to Hannah so Ed can’t feed her before bed yet.
So, still some stuff to figure out but we’re getting there, slowly and surely. Newborns are constantly changing, so rather than have something set in stone, I’m trying to go by her cues and be flexible. 
We don’t have much downtime at night anymore because I usually rush to bed to catch some shuteye before Hannah’s first waking. I really prioritize my sleep! 🙂
And that’s a typical day right now. Some days, I’m also driving Camryn to or picking her up from school, and handing appointments and all that.
I can’t wait until we can explore a little more…when things get and feel a little more normal. 
How do you manage bedtime with two kiddos?

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  1. The Daily Harvest bites sound like they would taste like frozen cookie dough but have some more nutrients for a mid day snack.

    Sounds like you are slowly getting into a routine with everyone. Hannah is such a cutie!

  2. Gosh I remember how hard these days were. I think I put the newborn on a bouncer in the bathroom while I bathed my 18 month old. I remember it being stressful, more so than when I had 3 three and under. I guess it starts to not faze you eventually!