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Affirmations For Body Image During Pregnancy

As someone who has been pregnant 3 times, I have come to find many affirmations for body image to rely on during stages of my body changing. Maybe these can help you too!

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I think tips for body image is something many of us have thought about, pregnant or not.

As a society, we put so much (too much) worth into how we look. We attribute weight and physical appearance to health

To some extent, I knew pregnancy would be a big change across the board for my body. My 26 weeks weight gain would look different from my 9 weeks, and from my 39 weeks.

I knew this.

Yet, I’d be lying to you if I said I figured it would all be rainbows and butterflies throughout the changing process.

Pregnant woman with belly sticking out on walking trail

This is just my experience with weight gain this far at 26 weeks pregnant. Not too much different from my first – see my symptoms at 25 weeks pregnant.

Altered Body Image During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when you definitely experience altered body image. I’ve seen it go both ways with clients.

For some, they can handle the body changes because they know it’s for a baby.

For others, it’s too much to handle. They get weighed at doctors’ appointments, and may even be told not to gain “too much weight.”

Therefore, they change their eating habits and end up undereating for the baby. Very dangerous!

It’s sad how body image issues during pregnancy can resurface, and even affect the health and outcome of the baby.

pregnant woman in front of sunflowers

We all have bad body image days, yet we feel the pressure to look and act perfectly fine every day.

As a dietitian, of course, I know the standard weight gain recommendation guidelines for pregnancy. Many of the weekly pregnancy emails I get remind me of the weight gain.

I even filled out information to see this chart, based on the “normal” recommendations.

Body Image and Pregnancy

What if I didn’t fall between the two lines, or as I progress, if I move out of the two lines?

The more I dive into the Intuitive Eating principles and Health at Every Size, the more I know that weight is out of our control.

And some bodies need to gain more or less weight than others.

Yet, the medical community treats us all the same, which leads to many pregnancy body image issues!

Pregnancy Body Image Issues

Many people have body image issues during pregnancy, and here are some reasons why.

Increased weight gain

Of course, we gain weight during pregnancy. We have to, in order to grow a baby and keep it safe.

Much of these pregnancy body image issues are due to the increased weight, bloat and fat that happens as we grow and house an amazing baby.

Hyperfocus on everything

While I’ve never had a history of an eating disorder or disordered eating, pregnancy can be a time of hyperfocus.

  • Is that ingredient safe for pregnancy?
  • Is that food cooked through?
  • Am I eating a proper and balanced healthy breakfast for pregnancy?
  • Is there any alcohol in that?
  • What about sunscreen and lotion – any chemicals in there?
  • Is that too much sugar to eat?
  • Is that exercise safe? Should I not exercise? Should I exercise more?
  • Should I skip dessert?
  • Am I getting enough pregnancy electrolytes?
  • I’m hungry all the time – that’s a bad thing!

These are thoughts that can pop into your mind at any instant. They may even be innocent – after all, you want the best for your baby.

pregnant girl after running

However, choosing the “wrong” foods or eating “too much” can lead you to feeling guilty after eating, which may then lead to questioning weight gain and bad body image days.

This is when we could use positive affirmations for body image the most.

Body weight is a not a prime measurement I use with my clients. I think many of us still focus on numbers, when in reality, what does it mean to be healthy? So much more.

That being said, as women, we’re subject to messages from diet culture everyday.

I started gaining weight fairly quickly once learning I was pregnant. Everyone is different, but my appetite was at an all-time high – like we’re talking marathon training high.

Hence, intuitive eating and exercise is tricky because you may not necessarily feel hungry right after a workout, but you definitely need to eat.

Or, you may feel hungry before a workout and you don’t want to eat a ton before you workout to have runner’s stomach symptoms.

pregnant woman holding belly with bowl of fruit in front of her

Pregnancy symptoms

Many people have symptoms, like food aversions or morning sickness, that may actually lead them to lose weight or gain weight more slowly.

This can also mess with body image!

picture of small belly bump during early pregnancy
7 weeks pregnant

Comparison traps

You may often also find yourself comparing yourself to other moms who are in a similar pregnancy stage as you.

The weight gain has become more gradual since the beginning, but still, there are times when I question if I’m doing everything right.

Hunger and Fullness are hard to decipher

I consider myself a true intuitive eater, but in pregnancy, honoring your hunger and fullness are difficult!

You are basically living in an entirely new body for a period of time, with new symptoms, aches and pains, and hormones that you have to adjust to.

The 35 week pregnancy symptoms differ from those early on and bring about new challenges.

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Affirmations For Body Image During Pregnancy

I don’t think it’s an easy process for ANYONE to see the scale going up.

Primarily because all the messages in our culture put such a strong focus on the opposite.

Aside from physical changes, gaining weight is a huge mental process too, as most people who’ve been through it probably understand.

It’s easy to doubt things when it comes to body changes.

I doubted (and still do) my weight gain during pregnancy multiple times – am I gaining too quickly? Am I not gaining enough? Is my bump big enough/not big enough?

35 weeks pregnant baby bump

Focus on these positive body image affirmations during your pregnancy and postpartum time.

These affirmations for body image can take some of the stress, pressure and focus off of your body.

I’ve attributed these quotes when I can find the author. 

  • “I am more than my measurements.” 
  • “Don’t let your mind bully your body.” – June Tomaso Wood
  • “Taking care of yourself is productive.” (Remember that feeding yourself is taking care of yourself).
  • “I am loved. I am enough. I am strong.” 
  • “The way you speak to yourself matters.” 
  • “Positive body image isn’t loving your body. It’s thinking of your body less (or neutrally) because you’re too busy living a vibrant life” – Kylie Mitchell
  • “All bodies are good bodies.” 
  • “I am more than a number on the scale.” 
  • “If we all ate the same and exercised the same, our bodies would still look different.” 
  • “You don’t exist solely to lose weight and be pretty.” 
  • “Your baby needs consistent nourishment.”
  • “Your baby doesn’t care how much you weigh or how big you are.”
  • “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” – Marilyn Monroe
  • “My body knows what to do.”

Positive Parts of Pregnancy

A body confidence affirmation for me during pregnancy is that my body needs to feel safe.

A huge positive of my changing body image during pregnancy is growing a healthy human. I need to gain weight to make my body stronger and more stable.

Body Image and Pregnancy

I need to create a fun little “playhouse” for the baby, with enough room for him/her to grow. At least that’s how I look at it.

I want this baby girl to grow as much as she needs to, and I don’t want to hinder or alter that by under-eating or not gaining enough weight.

Things like this have helped with my mindset.

I remind myself that this is new territory – each pregnancy has been different. It’s a challenge to try to listen to my body.

I should be gaining weight as time goes on. That means baby is growing. My body knows what to do.

pregnant woman reading in bed

The number on the scale doesn’t consume me. I’m sure the next few months (as I approach my 30 week pregnancy update) could bring about some uncomfortable changes as I continue to grow.

But, I know these feelings are completely normal as I adjust to a new transition and period in my life.

I’m not going to beat myself up for them because I’m human, and everyone has days where they aren’t 100% about their bodies.

pregnant woman looking in mirror

I’m happy with my bump, no matter how big or small it is. Because it signals strength, life, vitality, experience, and HUMAN GROWTH.

Holy moly, I am so grateful for what my body is capable of. My biggest priority is providing it with everything it needs to work properly.

Pregnancy really is like intuitive eating. When you relinquish control of your body, you will be in a better place. Instead of micromanaging, let it do what it needs to and be where it needs to be.

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