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27 Easy Baby Breakfast Ideas

These easy baby breakfast ideas will help give you confidence in feeding your little one nutrient-dense options with all sorts of flavors and textures. These breakfast ideas for baby are easy, convenient and good for your little ones.

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When I was a new mom, I felt so stressed about putting together healthy baby breakfast ideas when I was serving baby alone by myself.

I’d always focus on: What can babies eat and what can’t they eat?

Starting solid foods can be intimidating, especially when thinking about what new foods to include, allergens, choking hazards and more.

Baby French Toast ingredients: bread, eggs, milk, blueberries, butter

Is it safe to introduce xyz food?

What if they choke?

What about food allergies?

Are these breakfast recipes for baby cut appropriately?

There’s a lot of stress in feeding babies. However, you soon realize that once you let them do what they’re meant to do (eat!), they figure it out pretty quickly.

Plus, as a busy mom, you need to have these easy, to-go baby breakfast recipes in your back pocket!

10 month old baby sitting in high chair eating

If you’re interested in reading about our baby led weaning journey, here are some posts about each month and advancement:

We have used many of these baby led weaning breakfast ideas time and time again, and just advanced them slightly as our kids have advanced and shown more proficiency.

They work as 1 year old breakfast ideas and up. If you’re wondering what do 18 month olds eat, serve them these!

baby eating strawberry in high chair

Your 18 month old toddler can eat these healthy baby breakfast recipes, too!

They probably will just need a little bit more quantity-wise.

If you want to skip the pouches and storebought options, you can feel good about serving these breakfast finger foods for baby with these nourishing, healthy options.

Healthy Baby Breakfast Ideas

These healthy baby breakfast recipes and ideas below should give you inspiration in the kitchen not only for breakfast, but any meal of the day!

You can also swap breakfast for dinner and vice versa with these baby dinner recipes.

Here are some of my favorite foods for babies to include in a healthy baby breakfast.

Even if you have a picky eater, including some or many of these ingredients in your recipes can provide so much nutrition.

Many of these baby led weaning breakfast ideas include several of these ingredients, which make them great, balanced options.

You can start when you introduce solids, but I prefer to start with one food at a time. Usually, by 8-10 months, babies can start having combination foods and recipes.

So, these are perfect 10 month old breakfast ideas and meal ideas.

Baby Breakfast Recipes

These breakfast recipes for baby are nutritious, easy to pair with other things, and great for the whole family!

Breakfasts for Babies FAQ

What should I look for in a healthy baby breakfast recipe?

Ideally, when serving a baby breakfast recipe, you want to include complex carbohydrates with fiber, such as whole grains, fruits and/or vegetables.

What are some breakfast recipes for a 10 month baby?

You also want to include healthy fats and iron-rich foods. These baby breakfast ideas include some or all of these nutrients, so scroll down.

A 10 month old baby will do well with finger foods, such as egg strips, baby pancakes, meatballs, and toast strips, topped with nut butter, tahini, yogurt, cottage cheese or avocado.

You can also add in diced fruits and vegetables to challenge the pincer grasp, or add them into egg muffins, pancakes, oatmeal and more.

What are some good breakfast recipes for a 1 year old baby?

A 1-year old is generally eating 3 meals/day, while still continuing to have breastmilk, whole milk, formula, etc. Serving baby a breakfast with carbs, fat and protein is ideal, like many of the options below.

Baby pancakes, toast with avocado or nut butter, yogurt bowls and eggs are great options.

Tips for Baby Breakfast Recipes

Newer research shows that an early introduction of allergen foods to most babies is safe and may even reduce the risk of future allergies, such as introducing peanut butter to baby.

However, as with anything, speak with your individual care provider for your situation.

plain greek yogurt in mini ramekin with gold spoon

Here are some more tips for making breakfast recipes for your baby.

Avoid Added Sugars Before Age 1-2

Most of the recipes below are free of added sugars. However, some may use maple syrup or honey as a sweetener.

You can leave those ingredients out for little ones, but may consider adding them in for toddlers for a bit of sweetness.

It’s important to know that honey should NOT be introduced to babies under the age of 1 due to the risk of infant botulism.

honey dripping from container.

The American Association of Pediatrics actually recommends that you avoid added sugars before the age of 2, and limit the daily intake after age 2.

Include Protein in Baby Breakfast Recipes

When you’re serving breakfast to a 6-8 month old, serving just one thing is a great start.

For example, a banana (with yogurt or peanut butter) could be great for breakfast idea for an 8 month old, while a 10 month old may also require an egg or baby meatballs as well.

As babies age, and you need baby breakfast ideas for 11 months old, you want to serve a more complete meal.

We tend to include plenty of carbs for babies, through fruits and veggies, but make sure to include protein too.

baby led weaning with baby in high chair

They don’t need a lot since they are so small, but protein usually comes packed alongside key nutrients, like iron, B-vitamins, choline and more.

Dairy products, meats, eggs, whole grains, beans and legumes can be great options.

Many of these quinoa recipes for kids are also baby friendly with some modifications.

Iron Rich Foods

Iron is important for growth and brain development.

Some sources of iron for babies include eggs (with yolk), whole grains, meats, bean/legumes, tofu, and seafood.

Iron stores in breastmilk tend to decrease by around 6 months, making the introduction of solids a key time for iron-rich foods.

If you use formula, your childโ€™s iron needs can be met by standard infant formulas for the first 12 months of life, according to the CDC.

overhead shot of quinoa pizza bites on gray plate with side ramekin of marinara sauce and gray napkin

Pairing non-heme (plant-based) iron sources with Vitamin C foods, such as citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, or broccoli, can help improve iron absorption.

You can even make these breastmilk popsicles for teething, and add in pureed meats for iron.

Include Lots of Healthy Fats

While many adults fear fats, they are so important for our growing babies’ brains, so I always try to have at least one fat source in every meal or snack I serve to baby.

Make sure you are offering and introducing several forms of healthy fat in your baby led weaning breakfast ideas.

Some favorites include:

  • butter
  • whole fat dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese)
  • nut butters
  • avocado
  • canned fish
  • eggs
  • olive oil, avocado oil

What About Allergens in Baby Breakfast Foods?

As parents, the idea of a food allergy or intolerance is incredibly scary. If baby has a reaction, how do we know and how are we supposed to react?

As previously mentioned, there has been a good amount of newer research showing that an early introduction of allergen foods to most babies is safe and may even reduce the risk of future allergies.

There was a key peanut study that helped form new recommendations about allergens and child feeding. Here are some of the key takeaway points:

  • Maternal avoidance of allergenic solids during pregnancy or breastfeeding and the delayed introduction of such foods in infantsโ€™ diet after the first year of life have proven to be an ineffective means of food allergy prevention.
  • There is good evidence that, for infants with severe atopic dermatitis and/or egg allergy, regular peanut intake after four months and before 12 months of age can reduce the risk of developing peanut allergy.
  • In line with current guidelines, we recommend a progressive introduction to solid foods, including all common allergenic solids, during the first year of life, according to the infantโ€™s ability to chew, keep their head still and sit propped up, and familial or cultural habits, beginning at around six months but not before four months of age.

However, you should speak with your individual pediatrician or care provider about your specific situation.

Baby Breakfast Ideas

These baby breakfast ideas are easy to prep and will help nourish your little one.

And if you happen to be pregnant, check out this list of healthy breakfast ideas for pregnancy!

Make sure you’re still taking a good prenatal vitamin, too.

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