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41 Baby Led Weaning Recipes for 10 Months

At 10 months, your baby likely has discovered some favorite and not-so-favorite foods. Here are some of our favorite nutritious baby led weaning recipes for 10 months.

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Having a 10 month old is fun. While the first birthday is right around the corner, 10 month olds are still full of personalities in their own rights.

There are many similarities to baby led weaning at 9 months, but baby may have also changed a lot too!

And while the stress of introducing solids has likely decreased by this point, it’s still important to continue to serve new foods (like introducing peanut butter early if you haven’t done so yet)!

peanut butter mixed with water in pink bowl
Our favorite ezpz bowl and spoon

Baby led weaning at 10 months is really fun and entertaining.

Babies have come a long way since starting around the 6 month mark, and show so much more independence and preference to food.

At 10 months, they should be great with a baby spoon!

Fortunately, we don’t have any food allergies (thus far) but we still love many of these dairy free recipes for baby.

These easy baby led weaning recipes are great for so many reasons and can later even be healthy kids snacks (check out our kids snack ebook for more older kid snack ideas!).

For us, they work so well because I can also serve them to my 3 and 5 year olds, which makes my life easier.

baby in high chair eating yogurt
What foods can my 10 month old eat?

Your 10 month old can eat nearly everything you eat! Things to avoid include honey, foods with high sodium, added sugars, and anything that is hard. Just be sure to cut things appropriately and take a CPR class if you need a refresher on choking.

Can my 10 month old use utensils?

Yes! While a 10 month old baby may not be totally proficient at using his/her own utensils, it’s a good opportunity to start to introduce them. You can still pre-load an ezpz spoon, but let the baby hold it and try to self feed.

What does a 10 month old feeding schedule look like?

Scroll down for our feeding schedule, which includes 4-5 nursing sessions/day and 3 meals.

Why You’ll Love Easy Baby Led Weaning Recipes

Babies are really capable and it’s so fun to watch them enjoy their food.

As a dietitian, this is one of my favorite things about baby led weaning, since they are in control of the eating process.

  • Ready in 20-30 minutes – Have a hungry baby? These easy baby led weaning recipes for 10 month olds are ready quickly!
  • Can serve to the whole family – The whole family can enjoy these easy baby led weaning recipes, or serve them aside any other meal you’re eating that may be too spicy or salty for a baby.
  • Easy side to any meal – Maybe you have pasta or a baby friendly chicken dish you’ve made, but you’ve forgotten some baby-friendly veggies, like broccoli for baby. Add one of these recipes as a side!
  • Easy leftovers – Anything that isn’t eaten right away can always be saved for later, and even frozen for later. Many of these are staples to reoffer as freezable meals for toddlers.

At this point, your baby may have tried many different foods already.

But, keep at it. There is a window for when babies are open to trying new foods, and we want to continue this at a young age.

baby led weaning carrot sticks on plate for baby

What to Know For Baby Led Weaning at 10 Months

There are a few things to know about feeding babies at 10 months old, vs. baby led weaning at 7 months or 8 months.

  • Teeth – Babies generally have at least 1-2 teeth by this point, which can help them with further chewing. I still prefer to use soft silicone utensils, like ezpz spoons and bowls.
  • Offer utensils – While baby may not be totally proficient at using his/her own utensils, it’s a good opportunity to start to introduce them. You can still pre-load an ezpz spoon, but let the baby hold it and try to self feed.
  • Continue to cut foods properly – Depending on the food, you may still need to cut it in small pieces. For example, when I offer an apple, I’ll either offer the whole apple for baby to hold (as I watch him), or shred and cut into small pieces that I know he can handle.
  • Continue to Offer Different Textures – serve different textures, like purees, yogurt, applesauce, veggies, toast and more. I still rely on My Serenity Kids pouches all the time – the nutrition is stellar!
  • Finger Foods – You can also offer many baby finger foods that they can hold. Here are some examples of how to cook sweet potato for baby led weaning – so many options!
  • Better tongue movement – Babies can also move their tongues around more, which is a good thing for tasting and swallowing.
  • Add flavor – Don’t shy away from flavor. While babies shouldn’t have excess salt or sugar, you can add spices to any dish or recipe. Spices for baby led weaning are so good for babies!
  • Better idea of allergies – By this point, you may have discovered any allergenic foods for your baby. If you haven’t yet introduced allergenic foods or have fears about it, talk to your pediatrician.
  • Regular feeding times – Your baby has likely transitioned to two naps/day, and has regular feeding times, which makes the schedule predictable.
  • Environment – The feeding environment in which you feed your baby also matters. Try to keep it light and calm, and if possible, sit and eat with your baby. They learn so much just from watching you eat. Always use a safe high chair so baby is in a safe position.
10 month old baby sitting in high chair eating

Our 10 month feeding schedule looks something like this.

  • 7-730 am – wake up and nursing
  • 830 am – breakfast
  • 930 am- milk or snack (usually a My Serenity Kids pouch or baby breakfast cookie
  • 12:00 pm – lunch
  • 2:30 pm – milk
  • 4:00 pm – snack, like acorn squash
  • 530-6pm – dinner before bedtime routine and milk
  • Occasionally, we still do an overnight feed if baby wakes!

If you have an older baby, here is our 1 year old eating schedule.

10 month old baby sitting in high chair eating

How to Properly Cut Food at 10 Months

Most babies will have the pincer grasp at 10 months, meaning they can pick up food between their two fingers.

  • You can continue to serve food in strips, but also offer smaller pieces to test their pincer grasp. This may look like pepper strips, as well as some diced pepper pieces. We like to serve up cut-up blueberries or raspberries for him to grasp.
  • Avoid raw or hard foods, as you still want food to be “squishable” so baby can mash it with teeth or gums. We do a lot of ground chicken meatballs!
  • Still cook most veggies and fruits (like hard apples or pear slices), or if I let him gnaw on something hard, I’m constantly watching him.
  • I serve these egg muffins for baby led weaning alongside a fruit or veggie.
  • Shredding veggies – If you aren’t serving something in finger shape (like bell pepper strips or cucumber strips), you can shred veggies.
  • Spiralizing veggies and sauteeing in oil is also great for babies!
parchment paper with diced cantaloupe and flax seeds

Baby Led Weaning Recipes 10 Months

At 10 months, you can still serve many of these options any time of day, since babies don’t really know the difference between lunch and dinner foods.

Speaking of dinner, here are some of my favorite baby led weaning dinner ideas.

So, whether you’re looking for baby led weaning lunch ideas, leftovers to reheat, or just baby led weaning sides, this list can help satisfy all of those queries.

These are all easy baby led weaning meals!

baby sitting in high chair picking up egg

Although, if it works best to just share what you’re eating with baby at each meal, that works too.

I do tend to serve up easy baby breakfast ideas in the morning, and save savory stuff for later.

For example, baby pancakes could be an easy lunch (with veggies), while you can serve acorn squash alongside or mashed into stovetop oatmeal.

Baby Led Weaning Recipes 10 Months

These easy recipes for baby led weaning at 10 months are nutritious, quick and easy, and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Favorite Equipment For Easy Baby Led Weaning Meals

At this point in time, we’re pretty comfortable with making this process of feeding a 10-month-old quick and efficient.

We pretty much use all of the EZPZ products since they have an awesome development team that creates things based on baby’s needs for their age and developmental milestones.

baby eating yogurt in high chair

The mini cuputensilsbowl and tiny placemat are all great for babies just starting solids, or those comfortable with them.

Everyone may have their own forms of these things that work for them, but these are what we love!

  • CPR class – While this doesn’t technically fall under equipment, it DEFINITELY falls under proper preparation. Make sure you have taken this in the rare instances that your baby chokes and you feel confident in knowing what to do!
  • Born to Eat book – This has fun recipes and tips for serving solids to babies to create a good relationship with food.
  • Sturdy high chair with foot rest – Since your baby needs to be sitting independently, you want something sturdy for them to be sitting in. It is not safe to feed them on your lap. You want to be looking at them always. I love this one since it transforms into a helper for the toddler years!
  • Long sleeved waterproof bibs with a pocket (you’ll be surprised at how much food goes in that pocket!) or any bib with a pocket (I find silicone bibs easiest to clean)
  • Splat Mat – essentially to make clean up easier below the high chair (or a good dog 🙂 )
  • Mesh Feeders – These can be great for those who want a modified BLW or just some easier to swallow options for certain purees.
  • Silicone plates and bowls – this works great for feeding oatmeal
  • Tiny cup – This is great for starting to introduce water and even breastmilk/formula, and later, whole milk.
  • 360 Cup – One baby can hold and tip the cup, this is wonderful and will last until toddler years. 
baby oatmeal bites on white plate
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